Matti Näsi
Matti Näsi
University lecturer
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Online hate and harmful content: Cross-national perspectives
T Keipi, M Näsi, A Oksanen, P Räsänen
Taylor & Francis, 2016
Exposure to online hate among young social media users
A Oksanen, J Hawdon, E Holkeri, M Näsi, P Räsänen
Soul of society: A focus on the lives of children & youth, 253-273, 2014
ICT activity in later life: Internet use and leisure activities amongst senior citizens in Finland
M Näsi, P Räsänen, O Sarpila
European Journal of Ageing 9, 169-176, 2012
Exposure to online hate material and social trust among Finnish youth
M Näsi, P Räsänen, J Hawdon, E Holkeri, A Oksanen
Information Technology & People 28 (3), 607-622, 2015
Pro-anorexia and anti-pro-anorexia videos on YouTube: Sentiment analysis of user responses
A Oksanen, D Garcia, A Sirola, M Näsi, M Kaakinen, T Keipi, P Räsänen
Journal of medical Internet research 17 (11), e256, 2015
Kriminologia: Rikollisuus ja kontrolli muuttuvassa yhteiskunnassa
JKA Kivivuori, M Aaltonen, MJ Näsi, KEM Suonpää, PM Danielsson
Gaudeamus, 2018
Targets of online hate: Examining determinants of victimization among young Finnish Facebook users
P Räsänen, J Hawdon, E Holkeri, T Keipi, M Näsi, A Oksanen
Violence and victims 31 (4), 708-725, 2016
Crime news consumption and fear of violence: The role of traditional media, social media, and alternative information sources
M Näsi, M Tanskanen, J Kivivuori, P Haara, E Reunanen
Crime & Delinquency 67 (4), 574-600, 2021
Cybercrime victimization among young people: a multi-nation study
M Näsi, A Oksanen, T Keipi, P Räsänen
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 16 (2 …, 2015
Suomalaiset väkivallan ja omaisuusrikosten kohteena 2017–Kansallisen rikosuhritutkimuksen tuloksia
P Danielsson, M Näsi
Katsauksia 31, 2018, 2018
Do routine activities help predict young adults’ online harassment: A multi-nation study
M Näsi, P Räsänen, M Kaakinen, T Keipi, A Oksanen
Criminology & Criminal Justice 17 (4), 418-432, 2017
Harm-advocating online content and subjective well-being: A cross-national study of new risks faced by youth
T Keipi, A Oksanen, J Hawdon, M Näsi, P Räsänen
Journal of Risk Research 20 (5), 634-649, 2017
Association between online harassment and exposure to harmful online content: A cross-national comparison between the United States and Finland
M Näsi, P Räsänen, A Oksanen, J Hawdon, T Keipi, E Holkeri
Computers in Human Behavior 41, 137-145, 2014
Nuorten rikoskäyttäytyminen ja uhrikokemukset 2020
MAI Kaakinen, MJ Näsi
Helsingin yliopisto, kriminologian ja oikeuspolitiikan instituutti, 2021
Nuorten rikoskäyttäytyminen ja uhrikokemukset 2016
MJ Näsi
Helsingin yliopisto, Kriminologian ja oikeuspolitiikan instituutti, 2016
Internet and everyday life: the perceived implications of internet use on memory and ability to concentrate
M Näsi, L Koivusilta
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 16 (2), 88-93, 2013
Obesity, unemployment, and earnings
H Juho, R Pekka, N Matti
Old site of Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies 1 (2), 23-38, 2011
Does social belonging to primary groups protect young people from the effects of pro-suicide sites?
J Minkkinen, A Oksanen, M Näsi, T Keipi, M Kaakinen, P Räsänen
Crisis, 2015
Exposure to online hate material and subjective well-being: A comparative study of American and Finnish youth
T Keipi, P Räsänen, A Oksanen, J Hawdon, M Näsi
Online Information Review 42 (1), 2-15, 2018
Social capital and online hate production: A four country survey
M Kaakinen, P Räsänen, M Näsi, J Minkkinen, T Keipi, A Oksanen
Crime, Law and Social Change 69, 25-39, 2018
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20