Prof.Laxminarayana Pappula
Prof.Laxminarayana Pappula
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Osmania University
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Optimal FSW process parameters for dissimilar aluminium alloys (AA5083 and AA6061) Using Taguchi Technique
D Devaiah, K Kishore, P Laxminarayana
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2), 4607-4614, 2018
Influence of abrasive water jet cutting on glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites
UA Kumar, SM Alam, P Laxminarayana
Materials Today: Proceedings 27, 1651-1654, 2020
Influence of process and tool parameters on friction stir welding–over view
A Pasha, RP Reddy, P Laxminarayana, IA Khan
Int. J. Appl. Eng. Technol 4, 54-69, 2014
Optimization of electrode tool wear in micro holes machining by die sinker EDM using Taguchi approach
P Laxminarayana
Materials today: proceedings 5 (1), 1824-1831, 2018
Experimental investigation to produce thin-walled sand casting using combination of casting simulation and additive manufacturing techniques
MV Mohiuddin, SF Hussainy, A Krishnaiah, P Laxminarayana
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 90, 3147-3157, 2017
Effect of welding speed on mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welded AA5083-H321 and AA6061-T6 aluminum alloys
D Devaiah, K Kishore, P Laxminarayana
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science 4 (3), 237069, 2017
Comparison of cylindrical and conical helical springs for their buckling load and deflection
RV Patil, PR Reddy, P Laxminarayana
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 73, 33-50, 2014
A practical approach to eliminate defects in gravity die cast al-alloy casting using simulation software
SF Hussainy, MV Mohiuddin, P Laxminarayana, A Krishnaiah, ...
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 4 (1), 114-123, 2015
SiC and Al2O3 reinforced friction stir welded joint of aluminium alloy 6061
MA Pasha, PR Reddy, P Laxminarayana, IA Khan
Strengthening and Joining by Plastic Deformation, 163-182, 2016
Experimental study of sand mold process parameters on Al-alloy sand castings using DoE
MV Mohiuddin, SF Hussainy, A Krishnaiah, P Laxminarayana, ...
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) 11 (6), 01-06, 2014
Effect of Particle Spatial Distribution and Clustering on Tensile Behavior of Titanium Oxide/AA5050 Alloy Particle Reinforced Composites
P Laxminarayana, AC Reddy
4th International Conference on Composite Materials and Characterization …, 2003
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Particle Clustering on the Micromechanical Properties of Titanium Nitride/AA4015 Alloy Particle-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites
P Laxminarayana, AC Reddy
4th International Conference on Composite Materials and Characterization …, 2003
Hot isostatic pressing of ZnS powder and CVD ZnS ceramics: comparative evaluation of physico-chemical, microstructural and transmission properties
P Ramavath, P Biswas, R Johnson, GJ Reddy, P Laxminarayana
Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society 73 (4), 299-302, 2014
Study of microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of friction stir welded three titanium alloys
M Ramulu, K Gangwar, A Cantrell, P Laxminarayana
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (1), 1082-1092, 2018
Analysis of shrinkage characteristics of aluminium silicon alloy
SF Hussainy, MV Mohiuddin, P Laxminarayana, S Sundarrajan, ...
Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production 16 (3), 163-171, 2016
Thermal design and analysis of cold plate with various proportions of ethyl glycol water solutions
UR Maddipati, P Rajendran, P Laxminarayana
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering …, 2013
Quantification of Delta Ferrite in Austenitic Stainless Steel Cast in Investments Shell Moulds
P Laxminarayana, AC Reddy
6th National Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Hyderabad …, 2008
Study of tool wear optimization in micro holes machining of SS316 by die sinker electrical discharge machining
UA Kumar, P Laxminarayana
International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies 3 …, 2017
Influence of process parameters on quality of Al7SiMg alloy casting using statistical techniques
MV Mohiuddin, A Krishnaiah, SF Hussainy, P Laxminarayana
Materials Today: Proceedings 3 (10), 3726-3733, 2016
Micro drilling of glass fibre reinforced polymer composites
H Pallapothu, A Kumar, P Laxminarayana
Materials Today: Proceedings 46, 9252-9256, 2021
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