Jet properties in PbPb and pp collisions at 5.02 TeV CMS collaboration arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.00042, 2018 | 122* | 2018 |
Microbiological contamination of mobile phones of clinicians in intensive care units and neonatal care units in public hospitals in Kuwait M Heyba, M Ismaiel, A Alotaibi, M Mahmoud, H Baqer, A Safar, ... BMC infectious diseases 15, 1-9, 2015 | 118 | 2015 |
The role of oregano herb and its derivatives as immunomodulators in fish M Alagawany, MR Farag, AS Salah, MA Mahmoud Reviews in Aquaculture 12 (4), 2481-2492, 2020 | 86 | 2020 |
On a two-unit cold standby system considering hardware, human error failures and preventive maintenance MAW Mahmoud, ME Moshref Mathematical and Computer Modelling 51 (5-6), 736-745, 2010 | 84 | 2010 |
Management of brain metastases with stereotactic radiosurgery alone versus whole brain irradiation alone versus both MM El Gantery, HMA El Baky, HA El Hossieny, M Mahmoud, O Youssef Radiation Oncology 9, 1-9, 2014 | 76 | 2014 |
Constraining Gluon Distributions in Nuclei Using Dijets in Proton-Proton and Proton-Lead Collisions at AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ... Physical review letters 121 (6), 062002, 2018 | 67 | 2018 |
A second update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19 M Kanai, SJ Andrews, M Cordioli, C Stevens, BM Neale, M Daly, A Ganna, ... Nature 621 (7977), E7-E26, 2023 | 64 | 2023 |
The generalized linear exponential distribution MAW Mahmoud, FMA Alam Statistics & probability letters 80 (11-12), 1005-1014, 2010 | 58 | 2010 |
Overall performances of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) associated with using vegetable oil sources under suboptimal temperature AM El Asely, RM Reda, AS Salah, MA Mahmoud, MAO Dawood Aquaculture Nutrition 26 (4), 1154-1163, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Use of chemical nano-selenium as an antibacterial and antifungal agent in quail diets and its effect on growth, carcasses, antioxidant, immunity and caecal microbes M Alagawany, SYA Qattan, YA Attia, MT El-Saadony, SS Elnesr, ... Animals 11 (11), 3027, 2021 | 52 | 2021 |
Estimation of generalized Pareto under an adaptive type-II progressive censoring MAW Mahmoud, AA Soliman, AH Abd Ellah, RM El-Sagheer Intelligent Information Management 5 (3), 73-83, 2013 | 52 | 2013 |
Bayesian prediction based on generalized order statistics using multiply type-II censoring Y Abdel-Aty, J Franz, MAW Mahmoud Statistics 41 (6), 495-504, 2007 | 46 | 2007 |
Order statistics from inverse Weibull distribution and associated inference MAW Mahmoud, KS Sultan, SM Amer Computational statistics & data analysis 42 (1-2), 149-163, 2003 | 40 | 2003 |
A goodness of fit approach for Testing NBUFR (NWUFR) and NBAFR (NWAFR) properties MAW Mahmoud, NA Alim International journal of reliability and applications 9 (2), 125-140, 2008 | 39 | 2008 |
Estimations from the exponentiated rayleigh distribution based on generalized Type-II hybrid censored data MAW Mahmoud, MGM Ghazal Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 25 (1), 71-78, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Propagation of Bessel beams generated using<? A3B2 show [pmg: line-break justify=" yes"/]?> finite-width Durnin ring MA Mahmoud, MY Shalaby, D Khalil Applied optics 52 (2), 256-263, 2013 | 37 | 2013 |
Effects of dietary curcumin and acetylsalicylic acid supplements on performance, muscle amino acid and fatty acid profiles, antioxidant biomarkers and blood chemistry of heat … AS Salah, MA Mahmoud, OA Ahmed-Farid, MS El-Tarabany Journal of thermal biology 84, 259-265, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
Moments inequalities for NBRUL distributions with hypotheses testing applications RM El-Sagheer, MAW Mahmoud, WBH Etman Austrian journal of statistics 47 (1), 95-104, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
On generalized order statistics from linear exponential distribution and its characterization MAW Mahmoud, HSH Al-Nagar Statistical Papers 50, 407-418, 2009 | 34 | 2009 |
Inferences of the lifetime performance index with Lomax distribution based on progressive type-II censored data MAW Mahmoud, RM El-Sagheer, AAE Soliman, AH Abd Ellah Economic Quality Control 29 (1), 39-51, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |