Xiaodong Pang
Electrostatic interactions in protein structure, folding, binding, and condensation
HX Zhou, X Pang
Chemical reviews 118 (4), 1691-1741, 2018
Molecular structure of RADA16-I designer self-assembling peptide nanofibers
AR Cormier, X Pang, MI Zimmerman, HX Zhou, AK Paravastu
Acs Nano 7 (9), 7562-7572, 2013
Truncated ERG oncoproteins from TMPRSS2-ERG fusions are resistant to SPOP-mediated proteasome degradation
J An, S Ren, SJ Murphy, S Dalangood, C Chang, X Pang, Y Cui, L Wang, ...
Molecular cell 59 (6), 904-916, 2015
Automated prediction of protein association rate constants
S Qin, X Pang, HX Zhou
Structure 19 (12), 1744-1751, 2011
Two pathways mediate interdomain allosteric regulation in pin1
J Guo, X Pang, HX Zhou
Structure 23 (1), 237-247, 2015
Rate constants and mechanisms of intrinsically disordered proteins binding to structured targets
HX Zhou, X Pang, C Lu
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (30), 10466-10476, 2012
The novel BET‐CBP/p300 dual inhibitor NEO2734 is active in SPOP mutant and wild‐type prostate cancer
Y Yan, J Ma, D Wang, D Lin, X Pang, S Wang, Y Zhao, L Shi, H Xue, ...
EMBO molecular medicine 11 (11), e10659, 2019
Rate constants and mechanisms of protein–ligand binding
X Pang, HX Zhou
Annual review of biophysics 46 (1), 105-130, 2017
Poisson-Boltzmann calculations: van der Waals or molecular surface?
X Pang, HX Zhou
Communications in computational physics 13 (1), 1-12, 2013
Disorder-to-order transition of an active-site loop mediates the allosteric activation of sortase A
X Pang, HX Zhou
Biophysical Journal 109 (8), 1706-1715, 2015
Influenza A M2 channel clustering at high protein/lipid ratios: Viral budding implications
J Paulino, X Pang, I Hung, HX Zhou, TA Cross
Biophysical Journal 116 (6), 1075-1084, 2019
Two rules on the protein-ligand interaction
X Pang, L Zhou, L Zhang, L Xu, X Zhang
Nature precedings, 1-1, 2008
A common model for cytokine receptor activation: combined scissor-like rotation and self-rotation of receptor dimer induced by class I cytokine
X Pang, HX Zhou
Biophysical Journal 102 (3), 664a-665a, 2012
Solid-state NMR evidence for β-hairpin structure within MAX8 designer peptide nanofibers
SR Leonard, AR Cormier, X Pang, MI Zimmerman, HX Zhou, ...
Biophysical Journal 105 (1), 222-230, 2013
The dock‐and‐coalesce mechanism for the association of a WASP disordered region with the Cdc42 GTP ase
L Ou, M Matthews, X Pang, HX Zhou
The FEBS journal 284 (20), 3381-3391, 2017
Structural modeling for the open state of an NMDA receptor
X Pang, HX Zhou
Journal of structural biology 200 (3), 369-375, 2017
Rationalizing 5000-fold differences in receptor-binding rate constants of four cytokines
X Pang, S Qin, HX Zhou
Biophysical Journal 101 (5), 1175-1183, 2011
Design rules for selective binding of nuclear localization signals to minor site of importin α
X Pang, HX Zhou
PloS one 9 (3), e91025, 2014
Mechanism and rate constants of the Cdc42 GTPase binding with intrinsically disordered effectors
X Pang, HX Zhou
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 84 (5), 674-685, 2016
Discovery of a potent peptidic cyclophilin A inhibitor Trp-Gly-Pro
X Pang, M Zhang, L Zhou, F Xie, H Lu, W He, S Jiang, L Yu, X Zhang
European journal of medicinal chemistry 46 (5), 1701-1705, 2011
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