A comparison of three models of attitude–behavior relationships in the studying behavior domain L Leone, M Perugini, AP Ercolani European Journal of Social Psychology 29 (2‐3), 161-189, 1999 | 348 | 1999 |
Studying, practicing, and mastering: A test of the model of goal‐directed behavior (MGB) in the software learning domain L Leone, M Perugini, AP Ercolani Journal of applied social psychology 34 (9), 1945-1973, 2004 | 234 | 2004 |
Hierarchical representation of motives in goal setting. RP Bagozzi, M Bergami, L Leone Journal of applied psychology 88 (5), 915, 2003 | 222 | 2003 |
Personality and politics: The role of the HEXACO model of personality in predicting ideology and voting A Chirumbolo, L Leone Personality and Individual Differences 49 (1), 43-48, 2010 | 207 | 2010 |
Construct validity and generalizability of the Carver–White behavioural inhibition system/behavioural activation system scales L Leone, M Perugini, RP Bagozzi, A Pierro, L Mannetti European Journal of Personality 15 (5), 373-390, 2001 | 198 | 2001 |
The cross-cultural generalizability and validity of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire L Leone, KI Van der Zee, JP Van Oudenhoven, M Perugini, AP Ercolani Personality and individual differences 38 (6), 1449-1462, 2005 | 194 | 2005 |
Implicit self-concept and moral action M Perugini, L Leone Journal of Research in Personality 43 (5), 747-754, 2009 | 192 | 2009 |
Emotions and decision making: Regulatory focus moderates the influence of anticipated emotions on action evaluations L Leone, M Perugini, R Bagozzi Cognition & Emotion 19 (8), 1175-1198, 2005 | 189 | 2005 |
Determinants of the intention to use doping substances: an empirical contribution in a sample of Italian adolescents. F Lucidi, C Grano, L Leone, C Lombardo, C Pesce International journal of sport psychology, 2004 | 177 | 2004 |
Are conservatives less likely to be prosocial than liberals? From games to ideology, political preferences and votingg PAM Van Lange, R Bekkers, A Chirumbolo, L Leone European Journal of Personality 26 (5), 461-473, 2012 | 176 | 2012 |
Self-control and the self-regulation of dieting decisions: The role of prefactual attitudes, subjective norms, and resistance to temptation RP Bagozzi, DJ Moore, L Leone Basic and Applied Social Psychology 26 (2-3), 199-213, 2004 | 138 | 2004 |
Parenting, peer orientation, drug use, and antisocial behavior in late adolescence: A cross-national study M Claes, E Lacourse, AP Ercolani, A Pierro, L Leone, F Presaghi Journal of Youth and Adolescence 34, 401-411, 2005 | 134 | 2005 |
Bdnf gene is a downstream target of Nurr1 transcription factor in rat midbrain neurons in vitro F Volpicelli, M Caiazzo, D Greco, C Consales, L Leone, ... Journal of neurochemistry 102 (2), 441-453, 2007 | 122 | 2007 |
Avoidance coping strategies, alexithymia and alcohol abuse: A mediation analysis G Coriale, E Bilotta, L Leone, F Cosimi, R Porrari, F De Rosa, M Ceccanti Addictive Behaviors 37 (11), 1224-1229, 2012 | 114 | 2012 |
The HEXACO–100 across 16 languages: A large-scale test of measurement invariance I Thielmann, N Akrami, T Babarović, A Belloch, R Bergh, A Chirumbolo, ... Journal of personality assessment 102 (5), 714-726, 2020 | 105 | 2020 |
Promoting ecotourism among young people: A segmentation strategy F Cini, L Leone, P Passafaro Environment and Behavior 44 (1), 87-106, 2012 | 104 | 2012 |
Relationships between sociocultural factors (gender, immigrant and socioeconomic background), peer relatedness and positive affect in adolescents F Alivernini, E Cavicchiolo, L Girelli, F Lucidi, V Biasi, L Leone, ... Journal of adolescence 76, 99-108, 2019 | 98 | 2019 |
Values, ideological attitudes and patriotism S Livi, L Leone, G Falgares, F Lombardo Personality and Individual Differences 64, 141-146, 2014 | 98 | 2014 |
Validità della versione italiana delle scale BIS/BAS di Carver e White (1994): generalizzabilità della struttura e relazioni con costrutti affini L Leone, A Pierro, L Mannetti Giornale italiano di Psicologia 29 (2), 413-436, 2002 | 98 | 2002 |
Conservatism as motivated avoidance of affect: Need for affect scales predict conservatism measures L Leone, A Chirumbolo Journal of Research in Personality 42 (3), 755-762, 2008 | 89 | 2008 |