Xin Zhang
Xin Zhang
China University of Geosciences in Beijing
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
3-D Monte Carlo surface wave tomography
X Zhang, A Curtis, E Galetti, S De Ridder
Geophysical Journal International 215 (3), 1644-1658, 2018
Seismic tomography using variational inference methods
X Zhang, A Curtis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2020
Bayesian seismic tomography using normalizing flows
X Zhao, A Curtis, X Zhang
Geophysical Journal International 228 (1), 213-239, 2022
Variational full-waveform inversion
X Zhang, A Curtis
Geophysical Journal International 222 (1), 406-411, 2020
Bayesian geophysical inversion using invertible neural networks
X Zhang, A Curtis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (7), e2021JB022320, 2021
Surface microseismic monitoring of hydraulic fracturing of a shale‐gas reservoir using short‐period and broadband seismic sensors
X Zeng, H Zhang, X Zhang, H Wang, Y Zhang, Q Liu
Seismological Research Letters 85 (3), 668-677, 2014
3-D Bayesian variational full waveform inversion
X Zhang, A Lomas, M Zhou, Y Zheng, A Curtis
Geophysical Journal International 234 (1), 546-561, 2023
Bayesian full-waveform inversion with realistic priors
X Zhang, A Curtis
Geophysics 86 (5), A45-A49, 2021
Probabilistic neural network tomography across Grane field (North Sea) from surface wave dispersion data
S Earp, A Curtis, X Zhang, F Hansteen
Geophysical Journal International 223 (3), 1741-1757, 2020
An introduction to variational inference in geophysical inverse problems
X Zhang, MA Nawaz, X Zhao, A Curtis
Advances in geophysics 62, 73-140, 2021
1D, 2D and 3D Monte Carlo ambient noise tomography using a dense passive seismic array installed on the North Sea seabed
X Zhang, F Hansteen, A Curtis, S de Ridder
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2020
Wavelet‐based time‐dependent travel time tomography method and its application in imaging the Etna volcano in Italy
X Zhang, H Zhang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (10), 7068-7084, 2015
Imaging the deep structures of Los Humeros Geothermal Field, Mexico, using three‐component seismic noise beamforming
K Löer, T Toledo, G Norini, X Zhang, A Curtis, EH Saenger
Seismological Research Letters 91 (6), 3269-3277, 2020
Imaging the subsurface using induced seismicity and ambient noise: 3-D tomographic Monte Carlo joint inversion of earthquake body wave traveltimes and surface wave dispersion
X Zhang, C Roy, A Curtis, A Nowacki, B Baptie
Geophysical Journal International 222 (3), 1639-1655, 2020
An experimental system to evaluate impact shear failure of rock discontinuities
W Yao, C Wang, K Xia, X Zhang
Review of Scientific Instruments 92 (3), 2021
Interrogating subsurface structures using probabilistic tomography: An example assessing the volume of Irish Sea basins
X Zhao, A Curtis, X Zhang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (4), e2022JB024098, 2022
Anisotropic upper crust above the aftershock zone of the 2013 M s 7.0 L ushan earthquake from the shear wave splitting analysis
Y Liu, H Zhang, X Zhang, S Pei, M An, S Dong
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (10), 3679-3696, 2015
Interrogating probabilistic inversion results for subsurface structural information
X Zhang, A Curtis
Geophysical Journal International 229 (2), 750-757, 2022
Bayesian variational time-lapse full waveform inversion
X Zhang, A Curtis
Geophysical Journal International 237 (3), 1624-1638, 2024
Accounting for natural uncertainty within monitoring systems for induced seismicity based on earthquake magnitudes
C Roy, A Nowacki, X Zhang, A Curtis, B Baptie
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 634688, 2021
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