Ingmar Steiner
Ingmar Steiner
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
ASVspoof 2019: A large-scale public database of synthesized, converted and replayed speech
X Wang, J Yamagishi, M Todisco, H Delgado, A Nautsch, N Evans, ...
Computer Speech & Language 64, 101114, 2020
Vdub: Modifying face video of actors for plausible visual alignment to a dubbed audio track
P Garrido, L Valgaerts, H Sarmadi, I Steiner, K Varanasi, P Perez, ...
Computer graphics forum 34 (2), 193-204, 2015
Open source voice creation toolkit for the MARY TTS Platform
M Schröder, M Charfuelan, S Pammi, I Steiner
Interspeech, 3253-3256, 2011
BonnTempo-Corpus & BonnTempo-Tools: A database for the study of speech rhythm and rate.
V Dellwo, I Steiner, B Aschenberner, J Dankovicova, P Wagner
Interspeech, 777-780, 2004
Towards robust speech emotion recognition using deep residual networks for speech enhancement
A Triantafyllopoulos, G Keren, J Wagner, I Steiner, B Schuller
Expressive speech synthesis in MARY TTS using audiobook data and emotionML.
M Charfuelan, I Steiner
INTERSPEECH, 1564-1568, 2013
VisArtico: a visualization tool for articulatory data
S Ouni, L Mangeonjean, I Steiner
13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association …, 2012
Phonetic accommodation to natural and synthetic voices: Behavior of groups and individuals in speech shadowing
I Gessinger, E Raveh, I Steiner, B Möbius
Speech Communication 127, 43-63, 2021
Three's a Crowd? Effects of a Second Human on Vocal Accommodation with a Voice Assistant.
E Raveh, I Siegert, I Steiner, I Gessinger, B Möbius
Interspeech, 4005-4009, 2019
Prosody and voice quality of vocal social signals: the case of dominance in scenario meetings
M Charfuelan, M Schröder, I Steiner
Interspeech, 2558-2561, 2010
Creating new language and voice components for the updated MaryTTS text-to-speech synthesis platform
I Steiner, SL Maguer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04787, 2017
Producing phrasal prominence in German
B Andreeva, WJ Barry, I Steiner
Interspeech, 1010-1013, 2007
Control concepts for articulatory speech synthesis
P Birkholz, I Steiner, S Breuer
6th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis (SSW), 5-10, 2007
Comparing phonetic changes in computer-directed and human-directed speech
E Raveh, I Steiner, I Siegert, I Gessinger, B Möbius
Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung …, 2019
The magnetic resonance imaging subset of the mngu0 articulatory corpus
I Steiner, K Richmond, I Marshall, CD Gray
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (2), EL106-EL111, 2012
The phonetic exponency of phrasal accentuation in French and German.
WJ Barry, B Andreeva, I Steiner
INTERSPEECH, 1010-1013, 2007
Symbolic vs. acoustics-based style control for expressive unit selection
I Steiner, M Schröder, M Charfuelan, A Klepp
7th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis (SSW), 114-119, 2010
Shadowing Synthesized Speech-Segmental Analysis of Phonetic Convergence.
I Gessinger, E Raveh, S Le Maguer, B Möbius, I Steiner
Interspeech, 3797-3801, 2017
The PAVOQUE corpus as a resource for analysis and synthesis of expressive speech
I Steiner, M Schröder, A Klepp
Proc. Phonetik & Phonologie 9, 2013
Convergence of pitch accents in a shadowing task
I Gessinger, A Schweitzer, B Andreeva, E Raveh, B Möbius, I Steiner
International Conference on Speech Prosody, 225-229, 2018
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