g.m. stavrakakis
g.m. stavrakakis
Assistant Professor, dpt Mechanical Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Natural cross-ventilation in buildings: Building-scale experiments, numerical simulation and thermal comfort evaluation
GM Stavrakakis, MK Koukou, MG Vrachopoulos, NC Markatos
Energy and buildings 40 (9), 1666-1681, 2008
Optimization of window-openings design for thermal comfort in naturally ventilated buildings
GM Stavrakakis, PL Zervas, H Sarimveis, NC Markatos
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (1), 193-211, 2012
Development of a computational tool to quantify architectural-design effects on thermal comfort in naturally ventilated rural houses
GM Stavrakakis, PL Zervas, H Sarimveis, NC Markatos
Building and Environment 45 (1), 65-80, 2010
Selection of window sizes for optimizing occupational comfort and hygiene based on computational fluid dynamics and neural networks
GM Stavrakakis, DP Karadimou, PL Zervas, H Sarimveis, NC Markatos
Building and environment 46 (2), 298-314, 2011
A computational methodology for effective bioclimatic-design applications in the urban environment
GM Stavrakakis, E Tzanaki, VI Genetzaki, G Anagnostakis, G Galetakis, ...
Sustainable Cities and Society 4, 41-57, 2012
Simulation of airflow in one-and two-room enclosures containing a fire source
GM Stavrakakis, NC Markatos
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (11-12), 2690-2703, 2009
Experimental and numerical assessment of cool-roof impact on thermal and energy performance of a school building in Greece
GM Stavrakakis, AV Androutsopoulos, J Vyörykkä
Energy and Buildings 130, 64-84, 2016
Basic principles, most common computational tools, and capabilities for building energy and urban microclimate simulations
GM Stavrakakis, DA Katsaprakakis, M Damasiotis
Energies 14 (20), 6707, 2021
Cool roof impacts on a school-building thermal and energy performance in Athens, Greece
AV Androutsopoulos, GM Stavrakakis, M Damasiotis
Procedia environmental sciences 38, 178-186, 2017
A practical methodology for building a municipality-led renewable energy community: A photovoltaics-based case study for the municipality of Hersonissos in Crete, Greece
EN Efthymiou, S Yfanti, G Kyriakarakos, PL Zervas, P Langouranis, ...
Sustainability 14 (19), 12935, 2022
Evaluation of thermal comfort in indoor environments using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
GM Stavrakakis, AI Stamou, NC Markatos
Indoor work and living environments: health, safety and performance. Nova …, 2009
Modified ‘closure’ constants of the Standard k–ε turbulence model for the prediction of wind-induced natural ventilation
GM Stavrakakis, NM Tomazinakis, NC Markatos
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 33 (3), 241-261, 2012
Application of the Typology Approach for Energy Renovation Planning of Public Buildings’ Stocks at the Local Level: A Case Study in Greece
GM Stavrakakis, D Bakirtzis, KK Drakaki, S Yfanti, DA Katsaprakakis, ...
Energies 17 (3), 689, 2024
Techno-economic analysis of a hydrogen-based power supply backup system for tertiary sector buildings: a case study in greece
D Tziritas, GM Stavrakakis, D Bakirtzis, G Kaplanis, K Patlitzianas, ...
Sustainability 15 (9), 7646, 2023
Grid Operation Assessment under a Specific EV Chargers Deployment Plan in the City of Heraklion
E Karapidakis, A Tsikalakis, A Paspatis, E Fotakis, G Stavrakakis, ...
Electronics 10 (22), 2831, 2021
Rational Use of Energy in Sports Centres to Achieve Net Zero: The SAVE Project (Part A)
DA Katsaprakakis, N Papadakis, E Giannopoulou, Y Yiannakoudakis, ...
Energies 16 (10), 4040, 2023
Exploitation of Mediterranean Cooperation Projects’ Tools for the Development of Public Buildings’ Energy Efficiency Plans at Local Level: A Case Study in Greece
GM Stavrakakis, PL Zervas, K Terzis, P Langouranis, P Saranti, ...
Energies 16 (8), 3352, 2023
Computational prediction of airflow and thermal comfort in naturally ventilated real-scale buildings
DP Karadimou, GM Stavrakakis, NC Markatos
Buildings and the environment. Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2009
Energy Retrofit of Public Educational Buildings and Sustainable Mobility: Case study in Crete
C Heracleous, A Kyriakidis, GM Stavrakakis, D Tziritas, D Bakirtzis, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1196 (1), 012033, 2023
TES4Trig: Development of a demonstrator for the production of electricity, heating and cooling based on an Organic Rankine Cycle and an Ejector Cooling Cycle driven by high …
K Braimakis, D Tziritas, G Stavrakakis, JT Gutiérrez, S Dutta, C Xynos, ...
Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on ORC Power System:(ORC2023 …, 2024
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