Sukirti, PhD
Sukirti, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Green Technology, University of Southern Denmark
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Assessment of 3D printability of composite dairy matrix by correlating with its rheological properties
S Joshi, JK Sahu, MA Bareen, S Prakash, B Bhandari, N Sharma, SN Naik
Food Research International 141, 110111, 2021
Modulation of lentil antinutritional properties using non-thermal mediated processing techniques–A review
N Sharma, JK Sahu, S Joshi, S Khubber, V Bansal, A Bhardwaj, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 109, 104498, 2022
Assessment of 3D printability of heat acid coagulated milk semi-solids ‘soft cheese’by correlating rheological, microstructural, and textural properties
MA Bareen, S Joshi, JK Sahu, S Prakash, B Bhandari
Journal of Food Engineering 300, 110506, 2021
Unravelling the synergistic effect of incorporation of inulin and high intensity ultrasound treatment on restructuring heat desiccated milk protein with 3D printing
S Joshi, MA Bareen, JK Sahu, S Prakash, SN Naik
Journal of Food Engineering 353, 111549, 2023
Modulating the 3D printability of vitamin D3-nanoemulsion-based dairy gels: influence of emulsifier on gel structure, printing behaviour and vitamin D3 retention
S Joshi, JK Sahu, S Prakash, SN Naik
Journal of Food Engineering 373, 112032, 2024
Correlating process parameters and print accuracy of 3D-printable heat acid coagulated milk semisolids and polyol matrix: Implications for testing methods
MA Bareen, S Joshi, JK Sahu, S Prakash, B Bhandari
Food Research International 167, 112661, 2023
Modern approaches in food packaging waste management
N Sharma, A Bhardwaj, S Joshi, JK Sahu, S Fatma
Advances in Sustainable Food Packaging Technology, 271-289, 2024
Spray drying: principles and applications
S Joshi, A Mohapatra, L Singh, JK Sahu
Thermal Food Engineering Operations, 141-177, 2022
Scope, functions, and novelty of packaging edibles
N Sharma, A Bhardwaj, P Said, S Joshi, A Poonia, JK Sahu
Edible Food Packaging: Applications, Innovations and Sustainability, 87-101, 2022
Engineering plant-based protein-rich soft and bite-sized 3D printed dysphagia food
SSM Satheeshkanth, MA Bareen, S Joshi, JK Sahu, SN Naik
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 37, 100975, 2024
Pigmented Millets: Nutritional Quality and Potential Benefits for Human Health
AK Sobti, V Bansal, N Sharma, P Prasad, JK Sahu, S Joshi, D Solanki
3D Printing: Formulation Engineering, Technological Effects, and Applications in Food Processing
S Joshi, JK Sahu, M Charalambides, S Prakash, SN Naik
Future Crops and Processing Technologies for Sustainability and Nutritional …, 2024
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