Michelle Clarke
Michelle Clarke
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Frontal and occipital horn ratio: a linear estimate of ventricular size for multiple imaging modalities in pediatric hydrocephalus
BB O’hayon, JM Drake, MG Ossip, S Tuli, M Clarke
Pediatric neurosurgery 29 (5), 245-249, 1998
Change in ventricular size and effect of ventricular catheter placement in pediatric patients with shunted hydrocephalus
S Tuli, B O’Hayon, J Drake, M Clarke, E BS, J Kestle
Neurosurgery 45 (6), 1329, 1999
Same-segment and adjacent-segment disease following posterior cervical foraminotomy
MJ Clarke, RD Ecker, WE Krauss, RL McClelland, MB Dekutoski
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 6 (1), 5-9, 2007
Posterior-only approach for en bloc sacrectomy: clinical outcomes in 36 consecutive patients
MJ Clarke, H Dasenbrock, A Bydon, DM Sciubba, MJ McGirt, PC Hsieh, ...
Neurosurgery 71 (2), 357-364, 2012
Rheumatoid arthritis of the craniovertebral junction
WE Krauss, JM Bledsoe, MJ Clarke, EW Nottmeier, MA Pichelmann
Neurosurgery 66 (3), A83-A95, 2010
Mobile spine chordoma: results of 166 patients from the AOSpine Knowledge Forum Tumor database
ZL Gokaslan, PL Zadnik, DM Sciubba, N Germscheid, CR Goodwin, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 24 (4), 644-651, 2016
Effective sensitization of temozolomide by ABT-888 is lost with development of temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma xenograft lines
MJ Clarke, EA Mulligan, PT Grogan, AC Mladek, BL Carlson, ...
Molecular cancer therapeutics 8 (2), 407-414, 2009
Thyroid-stimulating hormone pituitary adenomas
MJ Clarke, D Erickson, MR Castro, JLD Atkinson
Journal of neurosurgery 109 (1), 17-22, 2008
Contemporary analysis of the intraoperative and perioperative complications of neurosurgical procedures performed in the sitting position
BT Himes, GW Mallory, AS Abcejo, J Pasternak, JLD Atkinson, FB Meyer, ...
Journal of neurosurgery 127 (1), 182-188, 2016
Endoscopic image-guided transcervical odontoidectomy: outcomes of 15 patients with basilar invagination
HH Dasenbrock, MJ Clarke, A Bydon, DM Sciubba, TF Witham, ...
Neurosurgery 70 (2), 351-360, 2012
Metastatic spinal cord compression and steroid treatment: a systematic review
A Kumar, MH Weber, Z Gokaslan, JP Wolinsky, M Schmidt, L Rhines, ...
Clinical spine surgery 30 (4), 156-163, 2017
Osteosarcoma of the spine: prognostic variables for local recurrence and overall survival, a multicenter ambispective study
MB Dekutoski, MJ Clarke, P Rose, A Luzzati, LD Rhines, PP Varga, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 25 (1), 59-68, 2016
Spinal extradural arteriovenous malformations with parenchymal drainage: venous drainage variability and implications in clinical manifestations
MJ Clarke, TA Patrick, JB White, HJ Cloft, WE Krauss, EP Lindell, ...
Neurosurgical focus 26 (1), E5, 2009
The impact of provider volume on the outcomes after surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis
HH Dasenbrock, MJ Clarke, TF Witham, DM Sciubba, ZL Gokaslan, ...
Neurosurgery 70 (6), 1346-1354, 2012
Management of locally recurrent chordoma of the mobile spine and sacrum: a systematic review
T Ailon, R Torabi, CG Fisher, LD Rhines, MJ Clarke, C Bettegowda, ...
Spine 41, S193-S198, 2016
The clinical case for proton beam therapy
RL Foote, SL Stafford, IA Petersen, JS Pulido, MJ Clarke, SE Schild, ...
Radiation Oncology 7, 1-10, 2012
Metastatic spine disease: should patients with short life expectancy be denied surgical care? An international retrospective cohort study
N Dea, AL Versteeg, A Sahgal, JJ Verlaan, R Charest-Morin, LD Rhines, ...
Neurosurgery 87 (2), 303-311, 2020
Spinal Cord Ependymomas With MYCN Amplification Show Aggressive Clinical Behavior
AA Swanson, A Raghunathan, RB Jenkins, M Messing-Jünger, T Pietsch, ...
Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology 78 (9), 791-797, 2019
Understanding the impact of obesity on short-term outcomes and in-hospital costs after instrumented spinal fusion
DM Higgins, GW Mallory, RF Planchard, RC Puffer, M Ali, MJ Gates, ...
Neurosurgery 78 (1), 127-132, 2016
PTEN loss does not predict for response to RAD001 (Everolimus) in a glioblastoma orthotopic xenograft test panel
L Yang, MJ Clarke, BL Carlson, AC Mladek, MA Schroeder, P Decker, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 14 (12), 3993-4001, 2008
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