Masoud Norouzi
Circular economy in the building and construction sector: A scientific evolution analysis
M Norouzi, M Chàfer, LF Cabeza, L Jiménez, D Boer
Journal of Building Engineering 44, 102704, 2021
Carbon footprint of low-energy buildings in the United Kingdom: Effects of mitigating technological pathways and decarbonization strategies
M Norouzi, AN Haddad, L Jiménez, S Hoseinzadeh, D Boer
Science of The Total Environment 882, 163490, 2023
Low-energy buildings in combination with grid decarbonization, life cycle assessment of passive house buildings in Northern Ireland
M Norouzi, S Colclough, L Jiménez, J Gavaldà, D Boer
Energy and Buildings 261, 111936, 2022
A framework for sustainable evaluation of thermal energy storage in circular economy
MH Abokersh, M Norouzi, D Boer, LF Cabeza, G Casa, C Prieto, ...
Renewable Energy 175, 686-701, 2021
Integration of solar photovoltaic systems into power networks: A scientific evolution analysis
Y Elomari, M Norouzi, M Marín-Genescà, A Fernández, D Boer
Sustainability 14 (15), 9249, 2022
Geospatial distribution of qanats in middle eastern countries: potential for sustainable groundwater system
M Mohajerani, F Dokhanian, H Estaji, D Boer, M Norouzi
Journal of Arid Environments 222, 105170, 2024
Long-term decarbonization prediction of buildings accounting for temporal variations in grid and material emission factors: A case study of timber-framed passive houses in the …
M Norouzi, AN Haddad, L Jiménez, M Mohajerani, D Boer
Renewable Energy, 122476, 2025
Improvement of the environmental performance of timber buildings: Construction waste management towards the circular economy
M Norouzi, D Vasco A., A Haddad N., L Jiménez, D Boer
XIII National and IV International Engineering Thermodynamics, 2023
Environmental impact of the preliminary life cycle of a thermally refurbished home
M Norouzi, D Vasco A., D Boer
ACVCHILE22, 2022
A prospective life-cycle carbon assessment of low-energy buildings in the United Kingdom: effect of electricity decarbonisation
M Norouzi, J González Farías, A Haddad N., L Jiménez, D Boer
3rd International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and …, 2022
Comparative life cycle assessment of energy-efficient buildings in Ireland's rural area
M Norouzi, S Colclough, L Jiménez, D Boer
XII National and III International Engineering Thermodynamics, 2022
Comparison of the AHP method with an integrated approach based on risk management and value engineering in evaluation of civil projects
M Norouzi, AR Shabanian Tafti, HR Sadeghian
Journal of Industrial Engineering of Iran, 2018
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