Jeffrey Earp
Jeffrey Earp
Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche, CNR
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An update to the systematic literature review of empirical evidence of the impacts and outcomes of computer games and serious games
EA Boyle, T Hainey, TM Connolly, G Gray, J Earp, M Ott, T Lim, M Ninaus, ...
Computers & Education 94, 178-192, 2016
Gamification and education: A literature review
I Caponetto, J Earp, M Ott
European conference on games based learning 1, 50, 2014
The Nordic approach to introducing Computational Thinking and programming in compulsory education
S Bocconi, A Chioccariello, J Earp
Report prepared for the Nordic@ BETT2018 Steering Group 42, 2018
Framing the adoption of serious games in formal education
S Arnab, R Berta, J Earp, S De Freitas, M Popescu, M Romero, I Stanescu, ...
Electronic Journal of e-learning 10 (2), pp159‑171-pp159‑171, 2012
Reviewing computational thinking in compulsory education: State of play and practices from computing education
S Bocconi, A Chioccariello, P Kampylis, V Dagienė, P Wastiau, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2022
Learning through playing for or against each other? Promoting collaborative learning in digital game based learning
M Romero, M Usart, M Ott, J Earp, S de Freitas, S Arnab
Educational games as a motivational tool: Considerations on their potential and limitations
M Passarelli, FM Dagnino, J Earp, F Manganello, D Persico, F Pozzi, ...
SciTePress 1, 330-337, 2019
Game making for learning: A systematic review of the research literature
J Earp
ICERI2015 Proceedings, 6426-6435, 2015
Narrative serious game mechanics (NSGM)–insights into the narrative-pedagogical mechanism
T Lim, S Louchart, N Suttie, JB Hauge, IA Stanescu, IM Ortiz, ...
Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports: 4th International …, 2014
Pedagogical plans as communication oriented objects
G Olimpo, RM Bottino, J Earp, M Ott, F Pozzi, M Tavella
Computers & Education 55 (2), 476-488, 2010
Meeting players where they are: Digital games and learning ecologies
D Persico, M Passarelli, F Pozzi, J Earp, FM Dagnino, F Manganello
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (4), 1687-1712, 2019
Supporting and representing Learning Design with digital tools: in between guidance and flexibility
F Pozzi, JI Asensio-Perez, A Ceregini, FM Dagnino, Y Dimitriadis, J Earp
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 29 (1), 109-128, 2020
DigCompEdu. Il quadro di riferimento europeo sulle competenze digitali dei docenti
S Bocconi, J Earp, S Panesi
Testo disponibile al sito https://digcompedu. cnr. it …, 2018
Approaches to collaborative game-making for fostering 21st century skills
S Bermingham, N Charlier, F Dagnino, J Duggan, J Earp, K Kiili, E Luts, ...
European Conference on Games Based Learning, 45, 2013
Supporting human capital development with serious games: An analysis of three experiences
J Earp, M Ott, M Popescu, M Romero, M Usart
Computers in Human Behavior 30, 715-720, 2014
Hot issues in game enhanced learning: the GEL viewpoint
S de Freitas, J Earp, M Ott, K Kiili, M Ney, M Popescu, M Romero, M Usart, ...
Procedia Computer Science 15, 25-31, 2012
Supporting the design of pilot learning activities with the Pedagogical Plan Manager
RM Bottino, J Earp, G Olimpo, M Ott, F Pozzi, M Tavella
IFIP World Computer Congress, TC 3, 37-44, 2008
Serious games in formal education: Discussing some critical aspects
M Popescu, S Arnab, R Berta, J Earp, S de Freitas, M Romero, I Stanescu, ...
Proceedings 5th European Conference on Game-Based Learning, 486-493, 2011
Fostering reflection in ICT-based pedagogical planning
J Earp, F Pozzi
Proceedings of the first International LAMS conference, 35-44, 2006
Learning through playing for or against each other
M Romero, M Usart, M Ott, J Earp, S De Freitas, S Arnab
Promoting collaborative learning in digital game based learning 5, 15-28, 2012
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