Artemio Ramirez Jr.
Artemio Ramirez Jr.
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Information-seeking strategies, uncertainty, and computer-mediated communication: Toward a conceptual model
A Ramirez Jr, JB Walther, JK Burgoon, M Sunnafrank
Human communication research 28 (2), 213-228, 2002
Testing the interactivity principle: Effects of mediation, propinquity, and verbal and nonverbal modalities in interpersonal interaction
JK Burgoon, JA Bonito, A Ramirez Jr, NE Dunbar, K Kam, J Fischer
Journal of communication 52 (3), 657-677, 2002
Testing the interactivity model: Communication processes, partner assessments, and the quality of collaborative work
JK Burgoon, JA Bonito, B Bengtsson, A Ramirez Jr, NE Dunbar, N Miczo
Journal of management information systems 16 (3), 33-56, 1999
At first sight: Persistent relational effects of get-acquainted conversations
M Sunnafrank, A Ramirez Jr
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 21 (3), 361-379, 2004
Interpersonal and hyperpersonal dimensions of computer‐mediated communication
JB Walther, B Van Der Heide, A Ramirez Jr, JK Burgoon, J Peña
The handbook of the psychology of communication technology, 1-22, 2015
When online meets offline: The effect of modality switching on relational communication
A Ramirez Jr, S Zhang
Communication monographs 74 (3), 287-310, 2007
Revisiting interpersonal media competition: The gratification niches of instant messaging, e-mail, and the telephone
A Ramirez Jr, J Dimmick, J Feaster, SF Lin
Communication Research 35 (4), 529-547, 2008
IM me': Instant messaging as relational maintenance and everyday communication
A Ramirez Jr, K Broneck
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 26 (2-3), 291-314, 2009
When online meets offline: An expectancy violations theory perspective on modality switching
A Ramirez Jr, Z Wang
Journal of Communication 58 (1), 20-39, 2008
When online dating partners meet offline: The effect of modality switching on relational communication between online daters
A Ramirez, EM Sumner, C Fleuriet, M Cole
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 20 (1), 99-114, 2015
Defining sexually oriented appeals in advertising: A grounded theory investigation.
T Reichert, A Ramirez
Advances in consumer research 27 (1), 2000
The effect of interactivity on initial interactions: the influence of information valence and modality and information richness on computer‐mediated interaction
A Ramirez, Jr, JK Burgoon
Communication Monographs 71 (4), 422-447, 2004
The niches of interpersonal media: Relationships in time and space
J Dimmick, JC Feaster, A Ramirez Jr
New Media & Society 13 (8), 1265-1282, 2011
Brands, friends, & viral advertising: A social exchange perspective on the ad referral processes
JL Hayes, KW King, A Ramirez Jr
Journal of Interactive Marketing 36 (1), 31-45, 2016
An examination of the tripartite approach to commitment: An actor-partner interdependence model analysis of the effect of relational maintenance behavior
A Ramirez Jr
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 25 (6), 943-965, 2008
Extending society': The role of personal networks and gratification-utilities in the use of interactive communication media
J Dimmick, A Ramirez Jr, T Wang, SF Lin
New Media & Society 9 (5), 795-810, 2007
A functional approach to social networking sites
EM Bryant, J Marmo, A Ramirez Jr
Peter Lang, 2011
Relational communication in computer-mediated interaction revisited: A comparison of participant–observer perspectives
A Ramirez Jr, S Zhang, C McGrew, SF Lin
Communication Monographs 74 (4), 492-516, 2007
New technologies and new directions in online relating
JB Walther, A Ramirez Jr
New directions in interpersonal communication research, 264-284, 2009
Conversational Writing-A Multidimensional Study of Synchronous and Supersynchronous Computer-Mediated Communication
E Jonsson
Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2015
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