Debraj De, PhD
Survey of security advances in smart grid: A data driven approach
S Tan, D De, WZ Song, J Yang, SK Das
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (1), 397-422, 2016
Multimodal wearable sensing for fine-grained activity recognition in healthcare
D De, P Bharti, SK Das, S Chellappan
IEEE Internet Computing 19 (5), 26-35, 2015
A-Wristocracy: Deep learning on wrist-worn sensing for recognition of user complex activities
P Vepakomma, D De, SK Das, S Bhansali
2015 IEEE 12th International conference on wearable and implantable body …, 2015
MPI collectives on modern multicore clusters: Performance optimizations and communication characteristics
AR Mamidala, R Kumar, D De, DK Panda
2008 Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid …, 2008
Efficient aerial data collection with UAV in large-scale wireless sensor networks
C Wang, F Ma, J Yan, D De, SK Das
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11 (11), 286080, 2015
Smartgridlab: A laboratory-based smart grid testbed
G Lu, D De, WZ Song
2010 First IEEE international conference on smart grid communications, 143-148, 2010
HuMAn: Complex activity recognition with multi-modal multi-positional body sensing
P Bharti, D De, S Chellappan, SK Das
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 18 (4), 857-870, 2018
Findinghumo: Real-time tracking of motion trajectories from anonymous binary sensing in smart environments
D De, WZ Song, M Xu, CL Wang, D Cook, X Huo
2012 IEEE 32nd international conference on distributed computing systems …, 2012
TelosW: Enabling ultra-low power wake-on sensor network
G Lu, D De, M Xu, WZ Song, J Cao
2010 Seventh International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS …, 2010
A wireless smart grid testbed in lab
WZ Song, D De, S Tan, SK Das, L Tong
IEEE Wireless Communications 19 (3), 58-64, 2012
Care-chair: Sedentary activities and behavior assessment with smart sensing on chair backrest
R Kumar, A Bayliff, D De, A Evans, SK Das, M Makos
2016 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 1-8, 2016
Trajectory mining from anonymous binary motion sensors in smart environment
C Wang, D De, WZ Song
Knowledge-Based Systems 37, 346-356, 2013
ActiSen: Activity-aware sensor network in smart environments
D De, S Tang, WZ Song, D Cook, SK Das
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 8 (5), 730-750, 2012
A distributed algorithm for localization error detection-correction, use in in-network faulty reading detection: applicability in long-thin wireless sensor networks
D De
2009 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1-6, 2009
Distributed abnormal activity detection in smart environments
C Wang, Q Zheng, Y Peng, D De, WZ Song
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 10 (5), 283197, 2014
EAR: An energy and activity-aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks in smart environments
D De, WZ Song, S Tang, D Cook
The Computer Journal 55 (12), 1492-1506, 2012
Live web: a sensorweb portal for sensing the world in real-time
X Yang, W Song, D De
Tsinghua Science and Technology 16 (5), 491-504, 2011
A wake-on sensor network
G Lu, D De, M Xu, WZ Song, B Shirazi
Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems …, 2009
Advances in real-world sensor network system
D De, WZ Song, M Xu, L Shi, S Tan
Advances in computers 90, 1-90, 2013
Actsee: Activity-aware radio duty-cycling for sensor networks in smart environments
S Tang, D De, WZ Song, D Cook, S Das
Eighth IEEE International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (IEEE INSS), 2011
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