Tatjana Dosenovic
Tatjana Dosenovic
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Comparison of two and three parameters adsorption isotherm for Cr (VI) onto Kraft lignin
M Brdar, M Šćiban, A Takači, T Došenović
Chemical Engineering Journal 183, 108-111, 2012
Common fixed point of four maps in Sb-metric spaces
S Sedghi, A Gholidahneh, T Došenovic, J Esfahani, S Radenovic
J. Linear Topol. Algebra 5 (2), 93-104, 2016
On some new fixed point results in fuzzy b-metric spaces
D Rakić, A Mukheimer, T Došenović, ZD Mitrović, S Radenović
Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2020, 1-14, 2020
A note on some recent fixed point results for cyclic contractions in b-metric spaces and an application to integral equations
S Radenović, T Došenović, TA Lampert, Z Golubovíć
Applied Mathematics and Computation 273, 155-164, 2016
Fixed point results in S-metric spaces
S Sedghi, N Shobe, T Dŏsenović
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 20 (1), 55-67, 2015
On Fixed Point Results in Gb-Metric Spaces
H Aydi, D Rakić, A Aghajani, T Došenović, M Salmi Md Noorani, ...
Mathematics 7 (7), 617, 2019
A Note on the Paper ”A Fixed Point Theorems in Sb-Metric Spaces”
Y Rohen, T Došenović, S Radenović
Filomat 31 (11), 3335-3346, 2017
Common fixed point of four maps in S-metric spaces
S Sedghi, N Shobkolaei, M Shahraki, T Došenović
Mathematical Sciences 12, 137-143, 2018
Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 as a marker of systemic lupus erythematosus: an observational study
V Živković, T Cvetković, B Mitić, B Stamenković, S Stojanović, ...
Rheumatology international 38, 1003-1008, 2018
Common fixed point theorems for contractive mappings satisfying Φ-maps in S-metric spaces
S Sedghi, MM Rezaee, T Došenovic, S Radenovic
Acta Univ. Sapientiae Math 8 (2), 298-311, 2016
Suzuki-type of common fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces
S Sedghi, N Shobkolaei, T Došenović, S Radenović
Mathematica Slovaca 68 (2), 451-462, 2018
On fixed point theorems of Gregori and Sapena
T Zikic
FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 144 (3), 421-429, 2004
Multivalued generalizations of fixed point results in fuzzy metric spaces
T Došenovic, D Rakic, B Caric, S Radenovic
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control 21 (2), 211-222, 2016
Coupled fixed point theorem in b-fuzzy metric spaces
T Došenovic, A Javaheri, S Sedghi, N Shobe
Novi Sad J. Math 47 (1), 77-88, 2017
Some fixed point theorems ofCiric type in fuzzy metric spaces
D Rakic, T Došenovic, ZD Mitrovic, M de la Sen, S Radenovic
Contractive conditions in b-metric spaces
TM Došenović, MV Pavlović, SN Radenović
Vojnotehnički glasnik/Military Technical Courier 65 (4), 851-865, 2017
On multiplicative metric spaces: survey
T Došenović, M Postolache, S Radenović
Fixed point theory and Applications 2016, 1-17, 2016
Statistical analysis of the basic chemical composition of whole grain flour of different cereal grains.
A Fišteš, T Došenović, D Rakić, B Pajin, Z Šereš, Š Simović, I Lončarević
Some Results on (sq)-Graphic Contraction Mappings in b-Metric-Like Spaces
M De la Sen, N Nikolić, T Došenović, M Pavlović, S Radenović
Mathematics 7 (12), 1190, 2019
Fixed-Point Theorems in Fuzzy Metric Spaces via Fuzzy F-Contraction
H Huang, B Carić, T Došenović, D Rakić, M Brdar
Mathematics 9 (6), 641, 2021
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