Kakasaheb Ramoo Mahadik
Kakasaheb Ramoo Mahadik
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune, Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Characterization of curcumin–PVP solid dispersion obtained by spray drying
A Paradkar, AA Ambike, BK Jadhav, KR Mahadik
International journal of pharmaceutics 271 (1-2), 281-286, 2004
Biofilm: Importance and applications
CR Kokare, S Chakraborty, AN Khopade, KR Mahadik
CSIR, 2009
Transferrin mediated solid lipid nanoparticles containing curcumin: enhanced in vitro anticancer activity by induction of apoptosis
RS Mulik, J Mönkkönen, RO Juvonen, KR Mahadik, AR Paradkar
International journal of pharmaceutics 398 (1-2), 190-203, 2010
Production and stability studies of the biosurfactant isolated from marine Nocardiopsis sp. B4
A Khopade, R Biao, X Liu, K Mahadik, L Zhang, C Kokare
Desalination 285, 198-204, 2012
Spray-Dried Amorphous Solid Dispersions of Simvastatin, a Low Tg Drug: In Vitro and in Vivo Evaluations
AA Ambike, KR Mahadik, A Paradkar
Pharmaceutical research 22, 990-998, 2005
Development, characterization and stabilization of amorphous form of a low Tg drug
VB Pokharkar, LP Mandpe, MN Padamwar, AA Ambike, KR Mahadik, ...
Powder technology 167 (1), 20-25, 2006
Production and characterization of biosurfactant from marine Streptomyces species B3
A Khopade, B Ren, XY Liu, K Mahadik, L Zhang, C Kokare
Journal of colloid and interface science 367 (1), 311-318, 2012
Silk sericin as a moisturizer: an in vivo study
MN Padamwar, AP Pawar, AV Daithankar, KR Mahadik
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology 4 (4), 250-257, 2005
Piperine: A comprehensive review of methods of isolation, purification, and biological properties
A Tiwari, KR Mahadik, SY Gabhe
Medicine in Drug Discovery 7, 100027, 2020
Isolation and characterization of novel α-amylase from marine Streptomyces sp. D1
S Chakraborty, A Khopade, C Kokare, K Mahadik, B Chopade
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 58 (1-4), 17-23, 2009
ApoE3 mediated poly (butyl) cyanoacrylate nanoparticles containing curcumin: study of enhanced activity of curcumin against beta amyloid induced cytotoxicity using in vitro …
RS Mulik, J Mönkkönen, RO Juvonen, KR Mahadik, AR Paradkar
Molecular pharmaceutics 7 (3), 815-825, 2010
Stability study of amorphous valdecoxib
AA Ambike, KR Mahadik, A Paradkar
International journal of pharmaceutics 282 (1-2), 151-162, 2004
Simultaneous quantification of bergenin, catechin, and gallic acid from Bergenia ciliata and Bergenia ligulata by using thin-layer chromatography
K Dhalwal, VM Shinde, YS Biradar, KR Mahadik
Journal of food composition and analysis 21 (6), 496-500, 2008
Pluronic gels for nasal delivery of Vitamin B12. Part I: preformulation study
SS Pisal, AR Paradkar, KR Mahadik, SS Kadam
International journal of pharmaceutics 270 (1-2), 37-45, 2004
Preparation and evaluation of diltiazem hydrochloride-Gelucire 43/01 floating granules prepared by melt granulation
S Shimpi, B Chauhan, KR Mahadik, A Paradkar
AAPS PharmSciTech 5, 51-56, 2004
Isolation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of marine halophilic Actinopolyspora species AH1 from the west coast of India
CR Kokare, KR Mahadik, SS Kadam, BA Chopade
Current Science, 593-597, 2004
Formulation and evaluation of topical liposomal gel for fluconazole
BV Mitkari, SA Korde, KR Mahadik, CR Kokare
Indian J Pharm Educ Res 44 (4), 324-333, 2010
Effect of drug solubility and different excipients on floating behaviour and release from glyceryl monooleate matrices
K Kumar, MH Shah, A Ketkar, KR Mahadik, A Paradkar
International journal of pharmaceutics 272 (1-2), 151-160, 2004
New drug delivery systems for elderly
BS Yeola, SS Pisal, AR Paradkar, KR Mahadik
INDIAN DRUGS-BOMBAY- 37 (7), 312-318, 2000
Studies on bioemulsifier production from marine Streptomyces sp. S1
CR Kokare, SS Kadam, KR Mahadik, BA Chopade
CSIR, 2007
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