Sunghwan (Sunny) Jung
Sunghwan (Sunny) Jung
Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University
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Geometric fractal growth model for scale-free networks
S Jung, S Kim, B Kahng
Physical Review E 65 (5), 056101, 2002
How cats lap: water uptake by Felis catus
PM Reis, S Jung, JM Aristoff, R Stocker
Science 330 (6008), 1231-1234, 2010
Super‐soft and super‐elastic DNA robot with magnetically driven navigational locomotion for cell delivery in confined space
J Tang, C Yao, Z Gu, S Jung, D Luo, D Yang
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (6), 2490-2495, 2020
Droplet sorting based on the number of encapsulated particles using a solenoid valve
Z Cao, F Chen, N Bao, H He, P Xu, S Jana, S Jung, H Lian, C Lu
Lab on a Chip 13 (1), 171-178, 2013
Droplet impacting a cantilever: A leaf-raindrop system
S Gart, JE Mates, CM Megaridis, S Jung
Physical Review Applied 3 (4), 044019, 2015
Caenorhabditis elegans swimming in a saturated particulate system
S Jung
Physics of Fluids 22 (3), 2010
Dynamics of water entry
L Vincent, T Xiao, D Yohann, S Jung, E Kanso
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 846, 508-535, 2018
Vortex-induced dispersal of a plant pathogen by raindrop impact
S Kim, H Park, HA Gruszewski, DG Schmale III, S Jung
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (11), 4917-4922, 2019
Particle motion induced by bubble cavitation
S Poulain, G Guenoun, S Gart, W Crowe, S Jung
Physical review letters 114 (21), 214501, 2015
How seabirds plunge-dive without injuries
B Chang, M Croson, L Straker, S Gart, C Dove, J Gerwin, S Jung
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (43), 12006-12011, 2016
Effect of hydrophobicity on the stability of the wetting films of water formed on gold surfaces
L Pan, S Jung, RH Yoon
Journal of colloid and interface science 361 (1), 321-330, 2011
Interaction of particles with a cavitation bubble near a solid wall
LA Teran, SA Rodriguez, S Laín, S Jung
Physics of Fluids 30 (12), 2018
How a raindrop gets shattered on biological surfaces
S Kim, Z Wu, E Esmaili, JJ Dombroskie, S Jung
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (25), 13901-13907, 2020
A fundamental study on the role of collector in the kinetics of bubble–particle interaction
L Pan, S Jung, RH Yoon
International journal of mineral processing 106, 37-41, 2012
Velocity difference statistics in turbulence
S Jung, HL Swinney
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (2 …, 2005
Paramecium swimming in capillary tube
S Jana, SH Um, S Jung
Physics of fluids 24 (4), 2012
Observations of zonal flow created by potential vorticity mixing in a rotating fluid
J Aubert, S Jung, HL Swinney
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (18), 23-1-23-4, 2002
Rotational dynamics of a superhelix towed in a Stokes fluid
S Jung, K Mareck, L Fauci, MJ Shelley
Physics of Fluids 19 (10), 2007
Grabbing water
PM Reis, J Hure, S Jung, JWM Bush, C Clanet
Soft matter 6 (22), 5705-5708, 2010
Biodiversifying bioinspiration
R Müller, N Abaid, JB Boreyko, C Fowlkes, AK Goel, C Grimm, S Jung, ...
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 13 (5), 053001, 2018
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