Murray Barrick
Murray Barrick
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The big five personality dimensions and job performance: a meta‐analysis
MR Barrick, MK Mount
Personnel psychology 44 (1), 1-26, 1991
Personality and performance at the beginning of the new millennium: What do we know and where do we go next?
MR Barrick, MK Mount, TA Judge
International Journal of Selection and assessment 9 (1‐2), 9-30, 2001
The big five personality traits, general mental ability, and career success across the life span
TA Judge, CA Higgins, CJ Thoresen, MR Barrick
Personnel psychology 52 (3), 621-652, 1999
Relating member ability and personality to work-team processes and team effectiveness.
MR Barrick, GL Stewart, MJ Neubert, MK Mount
Journal of applied psychology 83 (3), 377, 1998
Human resource selection
RD Gatewood, HS Feild, MR Barrick
(No Title), 2001
Autonomy as a moderator of the relationships between the Big Five personality dimensions and job performance.
MR Barrick, MK Mount
Journal of applied Psychology 78 (1), 111, 1993
Five-factor model of personality and performance in jobs involving interpersonal interactions
MK Mount, MR Barrick, GL Stewart
Human performance 11 (2-3), 145-165, 1998
Conscientiousness and performance of sales representatives: Test of the mediating effects of goal setting.
MR Barrick, MK Mount, JP Strauss
Journal of applied psychology 78 (5), 715, 1993
Personality and job performance: Test of the mediating effects of motivation among sales representatives.
MR Barrick, GL Stewart, M Piotrowski
Journal of applied psychology 87 (1), 43, 2002
Team structure and performance: Assessing the mediating role of intrateam process and the moderating role of task type
GL Stewart, MR Barrick
Academy of management Journal 43 (2), 135-148, 2000
The Big Five personality dimensions: Implications for research and practice in human resources management
MK Mount, MR Barrick
Research in personnel and human resources management 13 (3), 153-200, 1995
Yes, personality matters: Moving on to more important matters
MR Barrick
Human performance 18 (4), 359-372, 2005
The theory of purposeful work behavior: The role of personality, higher-order goals, and job characteristics
MR Barrick, MK Mount, N Li
Academy of management review 38 (1), 132-153, 2013
Interactive effects of personality and perceptions of the work situation on workplace deviance.
AE Colbert, MK Mount, JK Harter, LA Witt, MR Barrick
Journal of applied psychology 89 (4), 599, 2004
Effects of impression management and self-deception on the predictive validity of personality constructs.
MR Barrick, MK Mount
Journal of applied psychology 81 (3), 261, 1996
Collective organizational engagement: Linking motivational antecedents, strategic implementation, and firm performance
MR Barrick, GR Thurgood, TA Smith, SH Courtright
Academy of Management journal 58 (1), 111-135, 2015
Meta‐analysis of the relationship between the five‐factor model of personality and Holland's occupational types
MR Barrick, MK Mount, R Gupta
Personnel psychology 56 (1), 45-74, 2003
Higher‐order dimensions of the big five personality traits and the big six vocational interest types
MK Mount, MR Barrick, SM Scullen, J Rounds
Personnel psychology 58 (2), 447-478, 2005
The interactive effects of conscientiousness and agreeableness on job performance.
LA Witt, LA Burke, MR Barrick, MK Mount
Journal of applied psychology 87 (1), 164, 2002
What you see may not be what you get: relationships among self-presentation tactics and ratings of interview and job performance.
MR Barrick, JA Shaffer, SW DeGrassi
Journal of applied psychology 94 (6), 1394, 2009
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