Jon May
Jon May
Professor of Psychology, Plymouth University
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Imaginary relish and exquisite torture: the elaborated intrusion theory of desire.
DJ Kavanagh, J Andrade, J May
Psychological review 112 (2), 446, 2005
Bias in interpretation of ambiguous sentences related to threat in anxiety.
MW Eysenck, K Mogg, J May, A Richards, A Mathews
Journal of abnormal psychology 100 (2), 144, 1991
Implicit and explicit memory bias in anxiety.
A Mathews, K Mogg, J May, M Eysenck
Journal of abnormal psychology 98 (3), 236, 1989
An event-related functional MRI study comparing interference effects in the Simon and Stroop tasks
BS Peterson, MJ Kane, GM Alexander, C Lacadie, P Skudlarski, ...
Cognitive Brain Research 13 (3), 427-440, 2002
Four easy pieces for assessing the usability of multimodal interaction: the CARE properties
J Coutaz, L Nigay, D Salber, A Blandford, J May, RM Young
Human—Computer Interaction: Interact’95, 115-120, 1995
Effects of visuospatial tasks on desensitization to emotive memories
DJ Kavanagh, S Freese, J Andrade, J May
British Journal of Clinical Psychology 40 (3), 267-280, 2001
Attentional bias in anxiety: Selective search or defective filtering?
A Mathews, J May, K Mogg, M Eysenck
Journal of abnormal psychology 99 (2), 166, 1990
Images of desire: Cognitive models of craving
J May, J Andrade, N Panabokke, D Kavanagh
Memory 12 (4), 447-461, 2004
Assessing vividness of mental imagery: The Plymouth sensory imagery questionnaire
J Andrade, J May, C Deeprose, SJ Baugh, G Ganis
British Journal of Psychology 105 (4), 547-563, 2014
The elaborated intrusion theory of desire: a 10-year retrospective and implications for addiction treatments
J May, DJ Kavanagh, J Andrade
Addictive Behaviors 44, 29-34, 2015
Insensitivity of visual short-term memory to irrelevant visual information
J Andrade, E Kemps, Y Werniers, J May, A Szmalec
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section A 55 (3), 753-774, 2002
Rethinking temporal contiguity and the judgement of causality: Effects of prior knowledge, experience, and reinforcement procedure
MJ Buehner, J May
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 56 (5), 865-890, 2003
Measurement of alcohol craving
DJ Kavanagh, DJ Statham, GFX Feeney, RMD Young, J May, J Andrade, ...
Addictive behaviors 38 (2), 1572-1584, 2013
The Craving Experience Questionnaire: A brief, theory‐based measure of consummatory desire and craving
J May, J Andrade, DJ Kavanagh, GFX Feeney, MJ Gullo, DJ Statham, ...
Addiction 109 (5), 728-735, 2014
Tests of the elaborated intrusion theory of craving and desire: Features of alcohol craving during treatment for an alcohol disorder
DJ Kavanagh, J May, J Andrade
British Journal of Clinical Psychology 48 (3), 241-254, 2009
Smelling chemosensory signals of males in anxious versus nonanxious condition increases state anxiety of female subjects
J Albrecht, M Demmel, V Schöpf, AM Kleemann, R Kopietz, J May, ...
Chemical senses 36 (1), 19-27, 2011
Systems, interactions, and macrotheory
P Barnard, J May, D Duke, D Duce
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 7 (2), 222-262, 2000
Elaborated intrusion theory: a cognitive-emotional theory of food craving
J May, J Andrade, DJ Kavanagh, M Hetherington
Current Obesity Reports 1, 114-121, 2012
People trying to lose weight dislike calorie counting apps and want motivational support to help them achieve their goals
L Solbrig, R Jones, D Kavanagh, J May, T Parkin, J Andrade
Internet interventions 7, 23-31, 2017
Knowledge mediates the timeframe of covariation assessment in human causal induction
MJ Buehner, J May
Thinking & Reasoning 8 (4), 269-295, 2002
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