Sadia Kabir
Sadia Kabir
Global Technology Manager, BASF
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Platinum group metal-free NiMo hydrogen oxidation catalysts: high performance and durability in alkaline exchange membrane fuel cells
S Kabir, K Lemire, K Artyushkova, A Roy, M Odgaard, D Schlueter, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (46), 24433-24443, 2017
Binding energy shifts for nitrogen‐containing graphene‐based electrocatalysts–experiments and DFT calculations
S Kabir, K Artyushkova, A Serov, B Kiefer, P Atanassov
Surface and Interface Analysis 48 (5), 293-300, 2016
Impact of catalyst ink dispersing methodology on fuel cell performance using in-situ X-ray scattering
M Wang, JH Park, S Kabir, KC Neyerlin, NN Kariuki, H Lv, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2 (9), 6417-6427, 2019
Air breathing cathodes for microbial fuel cell using Mn-, Fe-, Co-and Ni-containing platinum group metal-free catalysts
M Kodali, C Santoro, A Serov, S Kabir, K Artyushkova, I Matanovic, ...
Electrochimica acta 231, 115-124, 2017
Elucidating the dynamic nature of fuel cell electrodes as a function of conditioning: an ex situ material characterization and in situ electrochemical diagnostic study
S Kabir, DJ Myers, N Kariuki, J Park, G Wang, A Baker, N Macauley, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (48), 45016-45030, 2019
Role of nitrogen moieties in N-doped 3D-graphene nanosheets for oxygen electroreduction in acidic and alkaline media
S Kabir, K Artyushkova, A Serov, P Atanassov
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (14), 11623-11632, 2018
Three-dimensional graphene nanosheets as cathode catalysts in standard and supercapacitive microbial fuel cell
C Santoro, M Kodali, S Kabir, F Soavi, A Serov, P Atanassov
Journal of power sources 356, 371-380, 2017
Computational and experimental evidence for a new TM–N 3/C moiety family in non-PGM electrocatalysts
S Kabir, K Artyushkova, B Kiefer, P Atanassov
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (27), 17785-17789, 2015
Enhancement of microbial fuel cell performance by introducing a nano-composite cathode catalyst
M Kodali, S Herrera, S Kabir, A Serov, C Santoro, I Ieropoulos, ...
Electrochimica acta 265, 56-64, 2018
High-performance bipolar membrane development for improved water dissociation
Y Chen, JA Wrubel, WE Klein, S Kabir, WA Smith, KC Neyerlin, ...
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2 (11), 4559-4569, 2020
A Specialist Periodical Report
C Banks, S McIntosh, N Alonso-Vante, SD Bhat, MCS Escano, S Kabir, ...
Palladium supported on 3D graphene as an active catalyst for alcohols electrooxidation
A Serov, NI Andersen, SA Kabir, A Roy, T Asset, M Chatenet, F Maillard, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162 (12), F1305, 2015
Improving the bulk gas transport of Fe-NC platinum group metal-free nanofiber electrodes via electrospinning for fuel cell applications
S Kabir, S Medina, G Wang, G Bender, S Pylypenko, KC Neyerlin
Nano Energy 73, 104791, 2020
Design of Novel Graphene Materials as a Support for Palladium Nanoparticles: Highly Active Catalysts towards Ethanol Electrooxidation
S Kabir, A Serov, K Artyushkova, P Atanassov
Electrochimica Acta, 2016
Nitrogen-doped three-dimensional graphene-supported palladium nanocomposites: high-performance cathode catalysts for oxygen reduction reactions
S Kabir, A Serov, K Artyushkova, P Atanassov
ACS Catalysis 7 (10), 6609-6618, 2017
3D-Graphene supports for palladium nanoparticles: effect of micro/macropores on oxygen electroreduction in anion exchange membrane fuel cells
S Kabir, A Serov, P Atanassov
Journal of Power Sources 375, 255-264, 2018
Co-generation of hydrogen and power/current pulses from supercapacitive MFCs using novel HER iron-based catalysts
C Santoro, F Soavi, C Arbizzani, A Serov, S Kabir, K Carpenter, ...
Electrochimica acta 220, 672-682, 2016
Toward optimizing electrospun nanofiber fuel cell catalyst layers: microstructure and Pt accessibility
S Kabir, T Van Cleve, S Khandavalli, S Medina, S Pylypenko, S Mauger, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (4), 3341-3351, 2021
Stability of carbon-supported palladium nanoparticles in alkaline media: A case study of graphitized and more amorphous supports
S Kabir, A Zadick, P Atanassov, L Dubau, M Chatenet
Electrochemistry Communications 78, 33-37, 2017
Palladium Nanoparticles Supported on Three‐Dimensional Graphene Nanosheets: Superior Cathode Electrocatalysts
S Kabir, A Serov, A Zadick, K Artyushkova, P Atanassov
ChemElectroChem 3 (10), 1655-1666, 2016
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