Osman Abdalla
Osman Abdalla
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Groundwater recharge dams in arid areas as tools for aquifer replenishment and mitigating seawater intrusion: example of AlKhod, Oman
OAE Abdalla, AS Al-Rawahi
Environmental Earth Sciences 69, 1951-1962, 2013
An efficient optimization of well placement and control for a geothermal prospect under geological uncertainty
M Chen, AFB Tompson, RJ Mellors, O Abdalla
Applied energy 137, 352-363, 2015
Assessment of groundwater quality using GIS, hydrogeochemistry, and factor statistical analysis in Qena Governorate, Egypt
M El-Rawy, E Ismail, O Abdalla
Desalination and water treatment 162, 14-29, 2019
Groundwater recharge/discharge in semi-arid regions interpreted from isotope and chloride concentrations in north White Nile Rift, Sudan
OAE Abdalla
Hydrogeology Journal 17 (3), 679-692, 2009
Rate of seawater intrusion estimated by geophysical methods in an arid area: Al Khabourah, Oman
OAE Abdalla, M Ali, K Al-Higgi, H Al-Zidi, I El-Hussain, S Al-Hinai
Hydrogeology Journal 18 (6), 1437-1445, 2010
An efficient surrogate-based simulation-optimization method for calibrating a regional MODFLOW model
M Chen, A Izady, OA Abdalla
Journal of hydrology 544, 591-603, 2017
Application of time-domain electromagnetic method in mapping saltwater intrusion of a coastal alluvial aquifer, North Oman
H El-Kaliouby, O Abdalla
Journal of Applied Geophysics 115, 59-64, 2015
Conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water resources with aquifer recharge by treated wastewater: evaluation of management scenarios in the Zarqa River Basin, Jordan
M El-Rawy, VA Zlotnik, M Al-Raggad, A Al-Maktoumi, A Kacimov, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-21, 2016
A surrogate-based sensitivity quantification and Bayesian inversion of a regional groundwater flow model
M Chen, A Izady, OA Abdalla, M Amerjeed
Journal of Hydrology 557, 826-837, 2018
Hydrological and economic feasibility of mitigating a stressed coastal aquifer using managed aquifer recharge: a case study of Jamma aquifer, Oman
M El-Rawy, A Al-Maktoumi, S Zekri, O Abdalla, R Al-Abri
Journal of Arid Land 11, 148-159, 2019
Dry Atmospheric Contribution to the Plant–Soil System Around a Cement Factory: Spatial Variations and Sourcesa Case Study from Oman
K Semhi, S Al-Khirbash, O Abdalla, T Khan, J Duplay, S Chaudhuri, ...
Water, air, and soil pollution 205, 343-357, 2010
Cyanide from gold mining and its effect on groundwater in arid areas, Yanqul mine of Oman
OAE Abdalla, FO Suliman, H Al-Ajmi, T Al-Hosni, H Rollinson
Environmental Earth Sciences 60, 885-892, 2010
Groundwater recharge in arid areas induced by tropical cyclones: lessons learned from Gonu 2007 in Sultanate of Oman
O Abdalla, RY Al-Abri
Environmental Earth Sciences 63, 229-239, 2011
Groundwater discharge mechanism in semi‐arid regions and the role of evapotranspiration
OAE Abdalla
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (16), 2993-3009, 2008
Assessment of the impact of climate change on coastal aquifers in Oman
A Al-Maktoumi, S Zekri, M El-Rawy, O Abdalla, M Al-Wardy, G Al-Rawas, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-14, 2018
Interaction of surface water and groundwater in the Nile River basin: isotopic and piezometric evidence
S Kebede, O Abdalla, A Sefelnasr, C Tindimugaya, O Mustafa
Hydrogeology Journal 25 (3), 707, 2017
Groundwater recharge estimation in arid hardrock‐alluvium aquifers using combined water‐table fluctuation and groundwater balance approaches
A Izady, OAE Abdalla, A Joodavi, A Karimi, M Chen, A Tompson
Hydrological Processes 31 (19), 3437-3451, 2017
Factors affecting groundwater chemistry in regional arid basins of variable lithology: example of Wadi Umairy, Oman
O Abdalla, RY Al-Abri
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7, 2861-2870, 2014
Development and surrogate-based calibration of a CO2 reservoir model
M Chen, OA Abdalla, A Izady, MR Nikoo, A Al-Maktoumi
Journal of Hydrology 586, 124798, 2020
A Surrogate Water Quality Index to assess groundwater using a unified DEA-OWA framework
A Oukil, AA Soltani, H Boutaghane, O Abdalla, A Bermad, M Hasbaia, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (40), 56658-56685, 2021
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