Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra
Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra
Professor, Dept. Evolution and Ecology, University of California Davis
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Improved maize reference genome with single-molecule technologies
Y Jiao, P Peluso, J Shi, T Liang, MC Stitzer, B Wang, MS Campbell, ...
Nature 546 (7659), 524-527, 2017
Comparative population genomics of maize domestication and improvement
MB Hufford, X Xu, J Van Heerwaarden, T Pyhäjärvi, JM Chia, ...
Nature genetics 44 (7), 808-811, 2012
A first-generation haplotype map of maize
MA Gore, JM Chia, RJ Elshire, Q Sun, ES Ersoz, BL Hurwitz, JA Peiffer, ...
Science 326 (5956), 1115-1117, 2009
Identification of a functional transposon insertion in the maize domestication gene tb1
A Studer, Q Zhao, J Ross-Ibarra, J Doebley
Nature genetics 43 (11), 1160-1163, 2011
Maize HapMap2 identifies extant variation from a genome in flux
JM Chia, C Song, PJ Bradbury, D Costich, N De Leon, J Doebley, ...
Nature genetics 44 (7), 803-807, 2012
Feeding the future
S McCouch, GJ Baute, J Bradeen, P Bramel, PK Bretting, E Buckler, ...
Nature 499 (7456), 23-24, 2013
Crop genomics: advances and applications
PL Morrell, ES Buckler, J Ross-Ibarra
Nature Reviews Genetics 13 (2), 85-96, 2012
Plant domestication, a unique opportunity to identify the genetic basis of adaptation
J Ross-Ibarra, PL Morrell, BS Gaut
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (suppl_1), 8641-8648, 2007
Comparative analysis of tandem repeats from hundreds of species reveals unique insights into centromere evolution
DP Melters, KR Bradnam, HA Young, N Telis, MR May, JG Ruby, R Sebra, ...
Genome biology 14, 1-20, 2013
Genetic signals of origin, spread, and introgression in a large sample of maize landraces
J Van Heerwaarden, J Doebley, WH Briggs, JC Glaubitz, MM Goodman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (3), 1088-1092, 2011
De novo assembly, annotation, and comparative analysis of 26 diverse maize genomes
MB Hufford, AS Seetharam, MR Woodhouse, KM Chougule, S Ou, J Liu, ...
Science 373 (6555), 655-662, 2021
Transposable elements contribute to activation of maize genes in response to abiotic stress
I Makarevitch, AJ Waters, PT West, M Stitzer, CN Hirsch, J Ross-Ibarra, ...
PLoS genetics 11 (1), e1004915, 2015
Seed filling in domesticated maize and rice depends on SWEET-mediated hexose transport
D Sosso, D Luo, QB Li, J Sasse, J Yang, G Gendrot, M Suzuki, KE Koch, ...
Nature genetics 47 (12), 1489-1493, 2015
Patterns of Population Structure and Environmental Associations to Aridity Across the Range of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L., Pinaceae)
AJ Eckert, J Van Heerwaarden, JL Wegrzyn, CD Nelson, J Ross-Ibarra, ...
Genetics 185 (3), 969-982, 2010
Genetic architecture of maize kernel composition in the nested association mapping and inbred association panels
JP Cook, MD McMullen, JB Holland, F Tian, P Bradbury, J Ross-Ibarra, ...
Plant physiology 158 (2), 824-834, 2012
Advances and limits of using population genetics to understand local adaptation
P Tiffin, J Ross-Ibarra
Trends in ecology & evolution 29 (12), 673-680, 2014
The genomic signature of crop-wild introgression in maize
MB Hufford, P Lubinksy, T Pyhäjärvi, MT Devengenzo, NC Ellstrand, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (5), e1003477, 2013
Construction of the third-generation Zea mays haplotype map
R Bukowski, X Guo, Y Lu, C Zou, B He, Z Rong, B Wang, D Xu, B Yang, ...
Gigascience 7 (4), gix134, 2018
Genome-wide selection and genetic improvement during modern maize breeding
B Wang, Z Lin, X Li, Y Zhao, B Zhao, G Wu, X Ma, H Wang, Y Xie, Q Li, ...
Nature Genetics 52 (6), 565-571, 2020
Historical divergence and gene flow in the genus Zea
J Ross-Ibarra, M Tenaillon, BS Gaut
Genetics 181 (4), 1399-1413, 2009
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