Arijit Lodh
Arijit Lodh
Research Fellow at Cranfield University, UK
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Design and development of precipitate strengthened advanced high strength steel for automotive application
G Jha, S Das, S Sinha, A Lodh, A Haldar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 561, 394-402, 2013
Development of hot rolled steel sheet with 600 MPa UTS for automotive wheel application
G Jha, S Das, A Lodh, A Haldar
Materials science and engineering: A 552, 457-463, 2012
Microstructural origin of residual stress relief in aluminum
A Lodh, TN Tak, A Prakash, PJ Guruprasad, SM Keralavarma, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 5038-5055, 2019
X-ray diffraction for the determination of residual stress of crystalline material: an overview
A Lodh, K Thool, I Samajdar
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 75 (4), 983-995, 2022
Hot-rolled and continuously cooled bainitic steel with good strength–elongation combination
S Das, S Sinha, A Lodh, AR Chintha, M Krugla, A Haldar
Materials Science and Technology 33 (8), 1026-1037, 2017
Plastic deformation and corrosion in austenitic stainless steel: a novel approach through microtexture and infrared spectroscopy
N Srinivasan, V Kain, N Birbilis, BS Kumar, MN Gandhi, PV Sivaprasad, ...
Corrosion Science 111, 404-413, 2016
Relating residual stress and substructural evolution during tensile deformation of an aluminum-manganese alloy
A Lodh, TN Tak, A Prakash, PJ Guruprasad, C Hutchinson, I Samajdar
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48, 5317-5331, 2017
Enhancement in magnetostrictive properties of cobalt ferrite by magnetic field assisted compaction technique
S Indla, A Chelvane, A Lodh, D Das
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 779, 886-891, 2019
Experimental characterization and finite element modeling of through thickness deformation gradient in a cold rolled zirconium sheet
G Kumar, A Lodh, J Singh, R Singh, D Srivastava, GK Dey, I Samajdar
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 19, 176-190, 2017
Relating general and phase specific corrosion in a super duplex stainless steel with phase specific microstructure evolution
R Mondal, SK Bonagani, A Lodh, T Sharma, PV Sivaprasad, G Chai, ...
Corrosion 75 (11), 1315-1326, 2019
Burst ductility of zirconium clads: The defining role of residual stress
G Kumar, AK Kanjarla, A Lodh, J Singh, R Singh, D Srivastava, GK Dey, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 3882-3896, 2016
Composition gradient and particle deformed zone: an emerging correlation
A Prakash, TN Tak, A Lodh, N Nayan, SVS Narayana Murty, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 1250-1260, 2019
Orientation-dependent developments in misorientation and residual stress in rolled aluminum: the defining role of dislocation interactions
A Lodh, U Tewary, RP Singh, TN Tak, A Prakash, A Alankar, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 5946-5952, 2018
Effects of grain orientations on nanoindentation behavior in hexagonal zirconium
A Lodh, I Samajdar, R Tewari, D Srivastava, GK Dey, P Pant
Materials Science Forum 702, 311-314, 2012
Insights into the stability of retained austenite during wear
SP Neog, A Lodh, A Karmakar, AG Nair, A Dasgupta, SD Bakshi, S Das
Philosophical Magazine 103 (3), 203-222, 2023
Effect of Thermal Exposure on the Charpy Impact Properties of Thermo‐Mechanically Treated Reinforcement Steel Bar
MB Sk, B Syed, A Chatterjee, A Lodh, S Kundu, D Chakrabarti
steel research international 88 (5), 1600286, 2017
Modelling hot strength behaviour of steel
A Lodh, A Biswas, S Das
Ironmaking & Steelmaking 42 (4), 290-301, 2015
Relating porosity with ductility in a commercial AA7075 alloy: a combined experimental and numerical study
TN Tak, A Prakash, A Lodh, SM Keralavarma, SVS Narayana Murty, ...
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 142 (4), 041007, 2020
Orientation-dependent solid solution strengthening in zirconium: a nanoindentation study
A Lodh, P Pant, G Kumar, KVM Krishna, R Tewari, I Samajdar
Journal of Materials Science 55 (10), 4493-4503, 2020
Fabrication and mechanical testing of mesoscale specimens
A Lodh, C Keller, GM Castelluccio
JOM 75 (7), 2473-2479, 2023
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