Paulo Barraza
Paulo Barraza
CIAE Universidad de Chile
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and gallbladder cancer: a case–control study and meta‐analysis
J Koshiol, A Wozniak, P Cook, C Adaniel, J Acevedo, L Azócar, AW Hsing, ...
Cancer Medicine 5 (11), 3310-3235, 2016
Long-range neural synchronization supports fast and efficient reading: EEG correlates of processing expected words in sentences
N Molinaro, P Barraza, M Carreiras
NeuroImage 72, 120-132, 2013
Efficiency of attentional networks in musicians and non-musicians
D Medina, P Barraza
Heliyon 5 (3), 2019
Brain-to-brain coupling in the gamma-band as a marker of shared intentionality
P Barraza, A Pérez, E Rodríguez
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 295, 2020
Implementing EEG hyperscanning setups
P Barraza, G Dumas, H Liu, G Blanco-Gomez, MI van den Heuvel, ...
MethodsX 6, 428-436, 2019
Oscillatory dynamics related to the Unagreement pattern in Spanish
A Pérez, N Molinaro, S Mancini, P Barraza, M Carreiras
Neuropsychologia 50 (11), 2584-2597, 2012
Mapping the neuroanatomy of functional decline in Alzheimer’s disease from basic to advanced activities of daily living
A Slachevsky, G Forno, P Barraza, E Mioshi, C Delgado, P Lillo, ...
Journal of Neurology 266, 1310-1322, 2019
Diferencias cerebrales en prematuros y su relación con el desarrollo de sus funciones cognitivas
P Castro Carrasco, P Barraza Rodríguez
Terapia psicológica 25 (2), 183-188, 2007
Neuromitos en educación: Prevalencia en docentes chilenos y el rol de los medios de difusión
P Barraza, I Leiva
Paideia Revista De Educación, 17-40, 2018
Neuroanatomical comparison of the “word” and “picture” versions of the free and cued selective reminding test in Alzheimer’s disease
A Slachevsky, P Barraza, M Hornberger, C Muñoz-Neira, E Flanagan, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 61 (2), 589-600, 2018
Long-distance neural synchrony correlates with processing strategies to compare fractions
P Barraza, DM Gómez, F Oyarzún, P Dartnell
Neuroscience letters 567, 40-44, 2014
Oscillatory brain activity reveals linguistic prints in the quantity code
E Salillas, P Barraza, M Carreiras
PLoS One 10 (4), e0121434, 2015
Ways of making-sense: Local gamma synchronization reveals differences between semantic processing induced by music and language
P Barraza, M Chavez, E Rodríguez
Brain and language 152, 44-49, 2016
Complex brain network properties in late L2 learners and native speakers
A Pérez, MG Dowens, N Molinaro, Y Iturria-Medina, P Barraza, ...
Neuropsychologia 68, 209-217, 2015
The development of creativity in Chilean kindergarten and school children/Desarrollo de la creatividad en párvulos y escolares chilenos
P Barraza, DD Preiss, M Pardo
Studies in Psychology 40 (3), 608-634, 2019
Melamine-assisted synthesis of nitrogen-doped ReS2 nanosheets/carbon composites
E Benavente, JA Aliaga, P Barraza, JF Araya, MH Farías, G González, ...
Materials Letters 243, 42-45, 2019
The role of attentional networks in the access to the numerical magnitude of fractions in adults/El rol de las redes atencionales en el acceso a la magnitud numérica de …
P Barraza, R Avaria, I Leiva
Studies in Psychology 38 (2), 495-522, 2017
Executive functions and theory of mind in teachers and non-teachers
P Barraza, E Rodríguez
Heliyon 9 (9), 2023
Implementing EEG hyperscanning setups. MethodsX 6, 428–436
P Barraza, G Dumas, H Liu, G Blanco-Gomez, MI van den Heuvel, ...
Pre-stimulus EEG oscillations correlate with perceptual alternation of speech forms
P Barraza, F Jaume-Guazzini, E Rodríguez
Neuroscience Letters 622, 24-29, 2016
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