Ahmed  K. Al Rawahi
Ahmed K. Al Rawahi
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Bacterial endophyte Sphingomonas sp. LK11 produces gibberellins and IAA and promotes tomato plant growth
AL Khan, M Waqas, SM Kang, A Al-Harrasi, J Hussain, A Al-Rawahi, ...
Journal of Microbiology 52, 689-695, 2014
Endophytic fungi: resource for gibberellins and crop abiotic stress resistance
AL Khan, J Hussain, A Al-Harrasi, A Al-Rawahi, IJ Lee
Critical reviews in biotechnology 35 (1), 62-74, 2015
Endophytic fungi from frankincense tree improves host growth and produces extracellular enzymes and indole acetic acid
AL Khan, A Al-Harrasi, A Al-Rawahi, Z Al-Farsi, A Al-Mamari, M Waqas, ...
PloS one 11 (6), e0158207, 2016
Fruitful decade for antileishmanial compounds from 2002 to late 2011
H Hussain, A Al-Harrasi, A Al-Rawahi, IR Green, S Gibbons
Chemical reviews 114 (20), 10369-10428, 2014
Silicon and salinity: crosstalk in crop-mediated stress tolerance mechanisms
A Khan, AL Khan, S Muneer, YH Kim, A Al-Rawahi, A Al-Harrasi
Frontiers in plant science 10, 1429, 2019
Plant growth-promoting endophyte Sphingomonas sp. LK11 alleviates salinity stress in Solanum pimpinellifolium
AL Khan, M Waqas, S Asaf, M Kamran, R Shahzad, S Bilal, MA Khan, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 133, 58-69, 2017
Aetiology and causal agents of mango sudden decline disease in the Sultanate of Oman
AO Al Adawi, ML Deadman, AK Al Rawahi, YM Al Maqbali, AA Al Jahwari, ...
European Journal of Plant Pathology 116, 247-254, 2006
Neuropharmacological effects of quercetin: a literature-based review
MS Islam, C Quispe, R Hossain, MT Islam, A Al-Harrasi, A Al-Rawahi, ...
Frontiers in pharmacology 12, 665031, 2021
Nutritional assessment and antioxidant analysis of 22 date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) varieties growing in Sultanate of Oman
A Al-Harrasi, NU Rehman, J Hussain, AL Khan, A Al-Rawahi, SA Gilani, ...
Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine 7, S591-S598, 2014
Silicon and salicylic acid confer high-pH stress tolerance in tomato seedlings
A Khan, M Kamran, M Imran, A Al-Harrasi, A Al-Rawahi, I Al-Amri, IJ Lee, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 19788, 2019
Silicon-mediated alleviation of combined salinity and cadmium stress in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) by regulating physio-hormonal alteration
A Khan, S Bilal, AL Khan, M Imran, A Al-Harrasi, A Al-Rawahi, IJ Lee
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 188, 109885, 2020
Silicon-induced thermotolerance in Solanum lycopersicum L. via activation of antioxidant system, heat shock proteins, and endogenous phytohormones
A Khan, AL Khan, M Imran, S Asaf, YH Kim, S Bilal, M Numan, ...
BMC plant biology 20, 1-18, 2020
Co-synergism of endophyte Penicillium resedanum LK6 with salicylic acid helped Capsicum annuumin biomass recovery and osmotic stress mitigation
AL Khan, M Waqas, M Hamayun, A Al-Harrasi, A Al-Rawahi, IJ Lee
BMC microbiology 13, 1-13, 2013
Diplodia theobromae associated with sudden decline of mango in the Sultanate of Oman.
AO Al Adawi, ML Deadman, AK Al Rawahi, AJ Khan, YM Al Maqbali
Plant Pathology 52 (3), 2003
Silicon and Gibberellins: Synergistic Function in Harnessing ABA Signaling and Heat Stress Tolerance in Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)
A Khan, S Bilal, AL Khan, M Imran, R Shahzad, A Al-Harrasi, A Al-Rawahi, ...
Plants 9 (5), 620, 2020
Parasitism and Biological Control of Verticillium dahliae by Pythium oligandrum
AK Al-Rawahi, JG Hancock
Plant Disease 82 (10), 1100-1106, 1998
Complete chloroplast genome sequence and comparative analysis of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) with related species
S Asaf, AL Khan, MA Khan, R Shahzad, Lubna, SM Kang, A Al-Harrasi, ...
PLoS One 13 (3), e0192966, 2018
[Retracted] Chemistry and Biology of Essential Oils of Genus Boswellia
H Hussain, A Al-Harrasi, A Al-Rawahi, J Hussain
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013 (1), 140509, 2013
A fruitful decade from 2005 to 2014 for anthraquinone patents
H Hussain, A Al-Harrasi, A Al-Rawahi, IR Green, R Csuk, I Ahmed, ...
Expert opinion on therapeutic patents 25 (9), 1053-1064, 2015
First complete chloroplast genomics and comparative phylogenetic analysis of Commiphora gileadensis and C. foliacea: Myrrh producing trees
A Khan, S Asaf, AL Khan, A Al-Harrasi, O Al-Sudairy, NM AbdulKareem, ...
PloS one 14 (1), e0208511, 2019
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