Dr. Khalid Saleh
Dr. Khalid Saleh
Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern Queensland
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
CNG-diesel engine performance and exhaust emission analysis with the aid of artificial neural network
TF Yusaf, DR Buttsworth, KH Saleh, BF Yousif
Applied Energy 87 (5), 1661-1669, 2010
Sleep EEG signal analysis based on correlation graph similarity coupled with an ensemble extreme machine learning algorithm
S Abdulla, M Diykh, RL Laft, K Saleh, RC Deo
Expert Systems With Applications 138, 112790, 2019
Influence of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Properties on Internal Combustion Engine Performance, Combustion, and Emissions: A Review
HAA Sattar Jabbar Murad Algayyim , Khalid Saleh , Andrew P. Wandel , Islam ...
Fuel 362 (130844), 2024
Influence of graphene nanoplatelets on mechanical properties and adhesive wear performance of epoxy-based composites
KY Eayal Awwad, BF Yousif, K Fallahnezhad, K Saleh, X Zeng
Friction 9, 856-875, 2021
The influence of fibre orientation on tribological performance of jute fibre reinforced epoxy composites considering different mat orientations
FZ Alshammari, KH Saleh, BF Yousif, A Alajmi, A Shalwan, JG Alotaibi
Tribology in Industry 40 (3), 335-348, 2018
Fractal dimension undirected correlation graph-based support vector machine model for identification of focal and non-focal electroencephalography signals
M Diykh, S Abdulla, K Saleh, RC Deo
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 54, 101611, 2019
Robust approach to depth of anaesthesia assessment based on hybrid transform and statistical features<? show [AQ ID= Q1]?>
M Diykh, FS Miften, S Abdulla, K Saleh, JH Green
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 14 (1), 128-136, 2020
Simulation investigation of the oscillatory motion of two elliptic obstacles located within a quarter-circle cavity filled with Cu-Al 2 O 3 /water hybrid nanofluid
AA Basil Mahdi Al-Srayyih, Ahmed Al-Manea, Khalid Saleh, Azher M. Abed ...
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications An International Journal of …, 2023
Investigation of natural convection and entropy generation of non-Newtonian flow in molten polymer-filled odd-shaped cavities using finite difference lattice Boltzmann method
SY Ahmed, QR Al-Amir, HK Hamzah, FH Ali, AM Abed, A Al-Manea, ...
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 1-26, 2024
Experimental Study on the Efficiency Improvement of Flat Plate Solar Collectors Using Hybrid Nanofluids Graphene/Waste Cotton
ASF Mahamude, WSW Harun, K Kadirgama, D Ramasamy, K Farhana, ...
Energies 15 (2309), 27, 2022
Performance evaluation of supersonic flow for variable geometry radial ejector through CFD models based on DES-turbulence models, GPR machine learning, and MPA optimization
AA Raed Al-Rbaihat, Khalid Saleh, Ray Malpress, David Buttsworth, Hussein ...
International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023), 100487, 2023
Engine performance and emission analysis of LPG-SI engine with the aid of artificial neural network
T Yusaf, KH Saleh, MA Said
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2011
The Influence of Emulsified Water Fuel Containing Fresh Water Microalgae on Diesel Engine Performance, Combustion, Vibration and Emission
SH Al-lwayzy, T Yusaf, K Saleh, B and Yousif
Energies 12 (13), 17, 2019
Experimental Investigation on a Novel Variable Geometry Radial Ejector
R Al-Rbaihat, K Saleh, R Malpress, D Buttsworth
Applied Thermal Engineering, 121143, 2023
Supersonic Steam Ejectors: Comparison of Dry an d Wet-steam CFD Simulation Models
A Al-Manea, K Saleh
Journal of Engineering Science an d Technology 17 (2), 1200-1212, 2022
Two-Phase Flow Development of R134a in a Horizontal Pipe: Computational Investigation
LAA Raid A. Mahmood , Khalid Saleh , Veyan A. Musa , Enass Massoud , Ahmad ...
International Journal of Heat and Technology 39 (5), 1532-1540, 2021
Pengaruh Penerapan Surgical Safety Checklist Dengan Kejadian Infeksi Luka Operasi Pada Pasien Sectio Caesarea di Rsud Tenriawaru Kabupaten Bone
A Adriana, F Rivai, K Saleh
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Univesitas Hasanuddin Makassar, 2016
Measurement of turbulent supersonic steam jet flow characteristics using TDLAS
A Al-Manea, D Buttsworth, K Saleh, R Malpress, J Leis
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 87, 102212, 2022
Measurement of water vapour in axisymmetric jet development using tdlas
A Al-Manea, D Buttsworth, J Leis, R Choudhury, K Saleh
Measurement 10 (2018), 13, 2018
Detached eddy simulation of an adjustable radial ejector
R Al-Rbaihat, R Malpress, D Buttsworth, K Saleh
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2018), 2018
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