Emily Averill Cooper
Emily Averill Cooper
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Optimizing virtual reality for all users through gaze-contingent and adaptive focus displays
N Padmanaban, R Konrad, T Stramer, EA Cooper, G Wetzstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (9), 2183-2188, 2017
Using blur to affect perceived distance and size
R T HELD, EA Cooper, JF O’brien, MS Banks
ACM transactions on graphics 29 (2), 19, 2010
Blur and disparity are complementary cues to depth
RT Held, EA Cooper, MS Banks
Current biology 22 (5), 426-431, 2012
Novel optical configurations for virtual reality: Evaluating user preference and performance with focus-tunable and monovision near-eye displays
R Konrad, EA Cooper, G Wetzstein
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2016
Accommodation-invariant computational near-eye displays
R Konrad, N Padmanaban, K Molner, EA Cooper, G Wetzstein
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (4), 1-12, 2017
Stereopsis is adaptive for the natural environment
WW Sprague, EA Cooper, I Tošić, MS Banks
Science advances 1 (4), e1400254, 2015
Assessment of OLED displays for vision research
EA Cooper, H Jiang, V Vildavski, JE Farrell, AM Norcia
Journal of vision 13 (12), 16-16, 2013
An augmented reality sign-reading assistant for users with reduced vision
J Huang, M Kinateder, MJ Dunn, W Jarosz, XD Yang, EA Cooper
PloS one 14 (1), e0210630, 2019
Using an augmented reality device as a distance-based vision aid—promise and limitations
M Kinateder, J Gualtieri, MJ Dunn, W Jarosz, XD Yang, EA Cooper
Optometry and Vision Science 95 (9), 727-737, 2018
The perceptual basis of common photographic practice
EA Cooper, EA Piazza, MS Banks
Journal of vision 12 (5), 8-8, 2012
The natural statistics of blur
WW Sprague, EA Cooper, S Reissier, B Yellapragada, MS Banks
Journal of vision 16 (10), 23-23, 2016
The vertical horopter is not adaptable, but it may be adaptive
EA Cooper, J Burge, MS Banks
Journal of Vision 11 (3), 20-20, 2011
Camera focal length and the perception of pictures
MS Banks, EA Cooper, EA Piazza
Ecological Psychology 26 (1-2), 30-46, 2014
Predicting cortical dark/bright asymmetries from natural image statistics and early visual transforms
EA Cooper, AM Norcia
PLoS computational biology 11 (5), e1004268, 2015
Interpretation-mediated changes in neural activity during language comprehension
EA Cooper, U Hasson, SL Small
NeuroImage 55 (3), 1314-1323, 2011
A perceptual eyebox for near-eye displays
SA Cholewiak, Z Başgöze, O Cakmakci, DM Hoffman, EA Cooper
Optics Express 28 (25), 38008-38028, 2020
Plasticity and adaptation in adult binocular vision
Z Başgöze, AP Mackey, EA Cooper
Current Biology 28 (24), R1406-R1413, 2018
Does the Sun revolve around the Earth? A comparison between the general public and online survey respondents in basic scientific knowledge
EA Cooper, H Farid
Public Understanding of Science 25 (2), 146-153, 2016
Systematic misperceptions of 3-D motion explained by Bayesian inference
B Rokers, JM Fulvio, JW Pillow, EA Cooper
Journal of vision 18 (3), 23-23, 2018
Assessing neural network scene classification from degraded images
T Tadros, NC Cullen, MR Greene, EA Cooper
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 16 (4), 1-20, 2019
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