Jacques Droulez
Jacques Droulez
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Role of lateral acceleration in curve driving: Driver model and experiments on a real vehicle and a driving simulator
G Reymond, A Kemeny, J Droulez, A Berthoz
Human factors 43 (3), 483-495, 2001
Skyrmion gas manipulation for probabilistic computing
D Pinna, F Abreu Araujo, JV Kim, V Cros, D Querlioz, P Bessiere, ...
Physical Review Applied 9 (6), 064018, 2018
Bayesian processing of vestibular information
J Laurens, J Droulez
Biological cybernetics 96 (4), 389-404, 2007
Self-motion and the perception of stationary objects
M Wexler, F Panerai, I Lamouret, J Droulez
Nature 409 (6816), 85-88, 2001
A neural network model of sensoritopic maps with predictive short-term memory properties.
J Droulez, A Berthoz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88 (21), 9653-9657, 1991
Visual perception of motion and 3-D structure from motion: an fMRI study
AL Paradis, V Cornilleau-Peres, J Droulez, PF Van De Moortele, E Lobel, ...
Cerebral Cortex 10 (8), 772-783, 2000
Measurement of the visual contribution to postural steadiness from the COP movement: methodology and reliability
V Cornilleau-Pérès, N Shabana, J Droulez, JCH Goh, GSM Lee, ...
Gait & posture 22 (2), 96-106, 2005
The geometric and dynamic implications of the coherence constraints in three-dimensional sensorimotor interactions
J Droulez, C Darlot
Attention and performance XIII, 495-526, 2018
Some collicular efferent neurons code saccadic eye velocity
A Berthoz, A Grantyn, J Droulez
Neuroscience letters 72 (3), 289-294, 1986
Influence of otolithic stimulation by horizontal linear acceleration on optokinetic nystagmus and visual motion perception
A Buizza, A Leger, J Droulez, A Berthoz, R Schmid
Experimental Brain Research 39, 165-176, 1980
Speed and safety distance control in truck driving: comparison of simulation and real-world environment
F Panerai, J Droulez, JM Kelada, A Kemeny, E Balligand, B Favre
Proceedings of the driving simulation conference, 91-108, 2001
Eye movements induced by off-vertical axis rotation (OVAR) at small angles of tilt
C Darlot, P Denise, J Droulez, B Cohen, A Berthoz
Experimental brain research 73 (1), 91-105, 1988
The visual perception of three-dimensional shape from self-motion and object-motion
V Cornilleau-Peres, J Droulez
Vision research 34 (18), 2331-2336, 1994
Does the brain use sliding variables for the control of movements?
S Hanneton, A Berthoz, J Droulez, JJE Slotine
Biological cybernetics 77, 381-393, 1997
Role of steering wheel feedback on driver performance: driving simulator and modeling analysis
D Toffin, G Reymond, A Kemeny, J Droulez
Vehicle System Dynamics 45 (4), 375-388, 2007
Perception of three-dimensional shape from ego-and object-motion: Comparison between small-and large-field stimuli
TMH Dijkstra, V Cornilleau-Pérès, CCAM Gielen, J Droulez
Vision Research 35 (4), 453-462, 1995
A perceptive evaluation of volume rendering techniques
C Boucheny, GP Bonneau, J Droulez, G Thibault, S Ploix
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 5 (4), 1-24, 2009
Motion from the past. A new method to infer vestibular capacities of extinct species
R David, J Droulez, R Allain, A Berthoz, P Janvier, D Bennequin
Comptes Rendus Palevol 9 (6-7), 397-410, 2010
The influence of long-term practice on mental rotation of 3-D objects
G Leone, MC Taine, J Droulez
Cognitive Brain Research 1 (4), 241-255, 1993
Linear self motion perception
A Berthoz, J Droulez
Tutorials on motion perception, 157-199, 1982
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