Tissa Gunaratne
Tissa Gunaratne
Coherent Corp.
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Interference without an interferometer: a different approach to measuring, compressing, and shaping ultrashort laser pulses
Y Coello, VV Lozovoy, TC Gunaratne, B Xu, I Borukhovich, C Tseng, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 25 (6), A140-A150, 2008
Control of molecular fragmentation using shaped femtosecond pulses
VV Lozovoy, X Zhu, TC Gunaratne, DA Harris, JC Shane, M Dantus
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (17), 3789-3812, 2008
Femtosecond laser-induced ionization/dissociation of protonated peptides
CL Kalcic, TC Gunaratne, AD Jones, M Dantus, GE Reid
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (3), 940-942, 2009
Single-beam coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy of N 2 using a shaped 7 fs laser pulse
S Roy, P Wrzesinski, D Pestov, T Gunaratne, M Dantus, JR Gord
Applied Physics Letters 95 (7), 2009
Atmospheric pressure femtosecond laser imaging mass spectrometry
Y Coello, AD Jones, TC Gunaratne, M Dantus
Analytical chemistry 82 (7), 2753-2758, 2010
Photophysics of octabutoxy phthalocyaninato-Ni (II) in toluene: ultrafast experiments and DFT/TDDFT studies
TC Gunaratne, AV Gusev, X Peng, A Rosa, G Ricciardi, EJ Baerends, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 109 (10), 2078-2089, 2005
Influence of bandwidth and phase shaping on laser induced breakdown spectroscopy with ultrashort laser pulses
T Gunaratne, M Kangas, S Singh, A Gross, M Dantus
Chemical Physics Letters 423 (1-3), 197-201, 2006
Synthesis and excited state dynamics of μ-oxo group IV metal phthalocyanine oligomers: Trimers and tetramers
T Gunaratne, VO Kennedy, ME Kenney, MAJ Rodgers
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 108 (14), 2576-2582, 2004
One-and two-photon fluorescent polyhedral oligosilsesquioxane (POSS) nanosensor arrays for the remote detection of analytes in clouds, in solution, and on surfaces
C Hartmann-Thompson, DL Keeley, KM Pollock, PR Dvornic, SE Keinath, ...
Chemistry of Materials 20 (8), 2829-2838, 2008
Ultrafast dynamics of Cu (I)-phenanthrolines in dichloromethane
T Gunaratne, MAJ Rodgers, D Felder, JF Nierengarten, G Accorsi, ...
Chemical Communications, 3010-3011, 2003
In-situ femtosecond laser pulse characterization and compression during micromachining
X Zhu, TC Gunaratne, VV Lozovoy, M Dantus
Optics Express 15 (24), 16061-16066, 2007
Energy Flow in Push–Pull Chromophores: Vibrational Dynamics in para‐Nitroaniline
T Gunaratne, JR Challa, MC Simpson
ChemPhysChem 6 (6), 1157-1163, 2005
Control of molecular fragmentation using binary phase-shaped femtosecond laser pulses
VV Lozovoy, TC Gunaratne, JC Shane, M Dantus
ChemPhysChem 7 (12), 2471-2473, 2006
Cross-validation of theoretically quantified fiber continuum generation and absolute pulse measurement by MIIPS for a broadband coherently controlled optical source
H Tu, Y Liu, J Lægsgaard, D Turchinovich, M Siegel, D Kopf, H Li, ...
Applied Physics B 106, 379-384, 2012
Influence of the temporal shape of femtosecond pulses on silicon micromachining
TC Gunaratne, X Zhu, VV Lozovoy, M Dantus
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (12), 2009
Symmetry of nonlinear optical response to time inversion of shaped femtosecond pulses as a clock of ultrafast dynamics
TC Gunaratne, X Zhu, VV Lozovoy, M Dantus
Chemical Physics 338 (2-3), 259-267, 2007
Comment on “Closing the Loop on Bond Selective Chemistry Using Tailored Strong Field Laser Pulses”
X Zhu, TC Gunaratne, VV Lozovoy, M Dantus
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (17), 5264-5266, 2009
Tunable ultrafast infrared∕visible laser to probe vibrational dynamics
TC Gunaratne, M Milliken, JR Challa, MC Simpson
Applied optics 45 (3), 558-564, 2006
State preparation and excited electronic and vibrational behavior in hemes
JR Challa, TC Gunaratne, MC Simpson
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (40), 19956-19965, 2006
Multidimensional molecular identification by laser control mass spectrometry
M Dantus, VV Lozovoy, X Zhu, T Gunaratne
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing …, 2008
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