Guodong Liu
Bidding Strategy for Microgrid in Day-Ahead Market Based on Hybrid Stochastic/Robust Optimization
G Liu, Y Xu, K Tomsovic
IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid 7 (1), 227-237, 2015
Quantifying spinning reserve in systems with significant wind power penetration
G Liu, K Tomsovic
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 27 (4), 2385-2393, 2012
Distributed energy management for community microgrids considering network operational constraints and building thermal dynamics
G Liu, T Jiang, TB Ollis, X Zhang, K Tomsovic
Applied energy 239, 83-95, 2019
Microgrid optimal scheduling with chance-constrained islanding capability
G Liu, M Starke, B Xiao, X Zhang, K Tomsovic
Electric Power Systems Research 145, 197-206, 2017
Robust optimisation‐based microgrid scheduling with islanding constraints
G Liu, M Starke, B Xiao, K Tomsovic
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (7), 1820-1828, 2017
A full demand response model in co-optimized energy and reserve market
G Liu, K Tomsovic
Electric Power Systems Research 111, 62-70, 2014
Robust unit commitment considering uncertain demand response
G Liu, K Tomsovic
Electric Power Systems Research 119, 126-137, 2015
Resilient distribution system leveraging distributed generation and microgrids: A review
G Liu, T Jiang, TB Ollis, X Li, F Li, K Tomsovic
IET Energy Systems Integration 2 (4), 289-304, 2020
Development of hardware-in-the-loop microgrid testbed
B Xiao, M Starke, G Liu, B Ollis, P Irminger, A Dimitrovski, K Prabakar, ...
2015 IEEE energy conversion congress and exposition (ECCE), 1196-1202, 2015
Approximating trajectory constraints with machine learning–microgrid islanding with frequency constraints
Y Zhang, C Chen, G Liu, T Hong, F Qiu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (2), 1239-1249, 2020
A MILP-based distribution optimal power flow model for microgrid operation
G Liu, M Starke, X Zhang, K Tomsovic
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
Networked microgrids scoping study
G Liu, MR Starke, B Ollis, Y Xue
ORNL, TN.[Online]. Available: https://info. ornl. gov/sites/publications …, 2016
Robust microgrid scheduling with resiliency considerations
G Liu, TB Ollis, Y Zhang, T Jiang, K Tomsovic
IEEE Access 8, 153169-153182, 2020
Optimal sizing of PV and energy storage in an electric vehicle extreme fast charging station
G Liu, Y Xue, MS Chinthavali, K Tomsovic
2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2020
Accelerated distributed energy management for microgrids
W Du, L Yao, D Wu, X Li, G Liu, T Yang
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2018
Coordinated distribution network control of tap changer transformers, capacitors and PV inverters
O Ceylan, G Liu, K Tomsovic
Electrical Engineering 100, 1133-1146, 2018
Robust Scheduling of Networked Microgrids for Economics and Resilience Improvement
G Liu, TB Ollis, MF Ferrari, A Sundararajan, K Tomsovic
Energies 15 (6), 2249, 2022
Distributed energy management for community microgrids considering phase balancing and peak shaving
G Liu, TB Ollis, B Xiao, X Zhang, K Tomsovic
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 13 (9), 1612-1620, 2019
A robust load shedding strategy for microgrid islanding transition
G Liu, B Xiao, M Starke, O Ceylan, K Tomsovic
2016 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 1-5, 2016
Resilience evaluation and enhancement for island city integrated energy systems
T Jiang, T Sun, G Liu, X Li, R Zhang, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (4), 2744-2760, 2022
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