Neven Tomasic
Neven Tomasic
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Computer simulation of microstructure transformation in heat treatment processes
B Smoljan, SS Hanza, N Tomašić, D Iljkić
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 24 (1 …, 2007
Application of JM®-Test in 3D simulation of quenching
B Smoljan, N Tomašić, D Iljkić, I Felde, T Reti
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 17 (1-2 …, 2006
Computer simulation of mechanical properties of quenched and tempered steel specimen
B Smoljan, D Iljkic, N Tomašic
J Achiev Mater Manuf Eng 40 (2), 155-159, 2010
Prediction of Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Composition of Quenched and Tempered Steel
B Smoljan, D Iljkić, N Tomaši
Heat Treating Conference 84123, 266-273, 2015
Simulation of hardness distribution in quenched steel specimen
B Smoljan, N Tomašić, D Rubeša, SS Hanza
Proceedings of 13th International Scientific Conference AMME, 597-600, 2005
Composites in manufacturing of vehicles
B Smoljan, N Tomašić, S Smokvina
Proceedings of the 11th InternationalScientific Conference on “Achievements …, 2002
Numerical modelling of heat treated welded joint
B Smoljan, D Iljkić, L Štic, S Smokvina Hanza, A Borić, N Tomašić
24th IFHTSE Congress 2017 combined with the European Conference on Heat …, 2017
Mathematical modelling of mechanical properties and microstructure of welded joint
B Smoljan, D Iljkić, L Štic, N Tomašić, S Smokvina Hanza
41st International Conference WELDING 2016, Modern Joining Processes …, 2016
Mathematical modelling of hardness of quenched and tempered steel
B Smoljan, D Iljkić, N Tomašić
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 74 (2), 85-93, 2015
Modelling of Microstructure Transformation during the steel quenching
S Smokvina Hanza, D Iljkić, N Tomašić
4th International PhD Conference on Mechanical Engineering, PhD2006, 2006
An application of modified Jominy-test in computer simulation of quenching of cold work tool steels
B Smoljan, D Rubeša, N Tomašić, S Smokvina Hanza, D Iljkić
1st International conference on heat treatment and surface engineering of …, 2005
Investigation of the Influence of Fused Deposition Modeling 3D Printing Process Parameters on Tensile Properties of Polylactic Acid Parts Using the Taguchi Method
GK Megersa, W Sitek, AJ Nowak, N Tomašić
Materials 17 (23), 5951, 2024
Fracture of steel casting
B Smoljan, D Iljkić, N Tomašić
Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Modern …, 2010
3D Simulation of Quenching of Steel Specimen
B Smoljan, N Tomašić, D Iljkić, I Felde, T Reti
3rd International Conference on Thermal Process Modelling and Simulation, 2006
An application of JM®-specimen in prediction of steel quenching results
B Smoljan, D Iljkić, N Tomašić, G Totten
11th International Scientific Conference CAM3S'2005, 2005
Light alloys and high strength materials in development of automotive industry
B Smoljan, N Tomašić, S Smokvina
Zbornik radova MATRIB 2002, 213-220, 2002
Designing the Chemical Composition of Steel with Required Hardenability Using Computational Methods
N Tomašić, W Sitek, D Iljkić, WF Gemechu
Metals 14 (9), 1076, 2024
Computer simulation of microstructure of quenched moulding die
B Smoljan, D Iljkić, N Tomašić
Archives of Materials Science 82, 82, 2014
Svojstva čeličnog lijeva GS-42 CrMo 4
B Smoljan, D Iljkić, N Tomašić
Casting Production-Progress through Knowledge, Quality and Environmental …, 2010
Računalna simulacija strukturnih pretvorbi u čeliku pri toplinskoj obradi primjenom TTT dijagrama
B Smoljan, S Smokvina Hanza, N Tomašić, D Iljkić
Proceedings of MATRIB 2007, 2007
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