Professor A.K. Obidul Huq, PhD
Professor A.K. Obidul Huq, PhD
Professor, MBSTU, Bangladesh
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater/aqueous solution using polypyrrole-based adsorbents: a review
HNME Mahmud, AKO Huq, R binti Yahya
Rsc Advances 6 (18), 14778-14791, 2016
Development of fiber enriched herbal biscuits: a preliminary study on sensory evaluation and chemical composition
M Alam, M Alam, M Hakim, AO Huq, SG Moktadir
Int J Nutr Food Sci 3, 246-250, 2014
Role of health hazardous ethephone in nutritive values of selected pineapple, banana, and tomato
MA Hakim, AKO Huq, MA Alam, A Khatib, BK Saha, KM Haque
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 10 (2), 247-251, 2012
Polypyrrole-polyethyleneimine (PPy-PEI) nanocomposite: An effective adsorbent for nickel ion adsorption from aqueous solution
AH Birniwa, AS Abubakar, AKO Huq, HNME Mahmud
Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A 58 (3), 206-217, 2021
Nutritional status of rural and urban under-five children in Tangail District, Bangladesh
MS Islam, JS Jothi, M Islam, AKO Huq
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies 8 (2), 841, 2014
Green synthesis of zinc oxide nano particles using Allium cepa L. waste peel extracts and its antioxidant and antibacterial activities
MF Islam, MAS Miah, AKO Huq, AK Saha, ZJ Mou, MMH Mondol, ...
Heliyon 10 (3), 2024
Health care facilities and nutritional status of orphans residing in selected orphanage in capital city of Bangladesh
AKO Huq, T Chowdhury, P Roy, KF Haque, MB Hossain
Int J Curr Microbiol Appl Sci 2 (10), 118-25, 2013
Polymer-based adsorbent for heavy metals removal from aqueous solution
H Mahmud, AKO Huq, R Yahya
Nutritional status of urban slum children below five years: Assessment by anthropometric measurements with special reference to socioeconomic status
MA Alam, M Hakim, M Rouf, O Huq, M Ali, I Zaidul
J Food Agr Environ 9 (2), 85-90, 2011
Evaluation of the nutritional and sensory quality of functional breads prepared from whole wheat and soybean flour
J Alam, MU Talukder, MN Rahman, UK Prodhan, AKO Huq
Annals Food Sci Technol 14 (2), 171-175, 2013
A study on food value estimation from images: Taxonomies, datasets, and techniques
J Sultana, BM Ahmed, MM Masud, AKO Huq, ME Ali, M Naznin
IEEE Access 11, 45910-45935, 2023
Food safety knowledge, attitudes and behavior of street food vendors and consumers in Dhaka City
S Mamun, S Alam, MA Zaher, AKO Huq
Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology 37 (2), 48-51, 2020
Fats and oils adulteration: present scenario and rapid detection techniques
AKO Huq, I Uddin, E Ahmed, MAB Siddique, MA Zaher, S Nigar
Food Research 6 (1), 5-11, 2022
Health, hygiene practices and safety measures of selected baking factories in Tangail region, Bangladesh
AKO Huq, MJ Uddin, KMF Haque, P Roy, MB Hossain
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Appl. Sci 2 (10), 68-75, 2013
Comparative assessment of natural and artificially ripened tomatoes and effects on storage life
N Akter, AKO Huq, S Akter, MJ Alam, MM Islam, MJ Hossain, NT Urmi
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 8 (4), 59-62, 2019
Nutritional status and KAP about HIV/AIDS among floating drug addicted and commercial sex workers in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
AKO Huq, T Chowdhury, M Rana, J Alam, SMG Moktadir, MZ Manir
Journal of AIDS and HIV Research 5 (9), 334-340, 2013
Health status, occupational hygiene & safety practices among female workers in Bangladesh
AKO Huq, HNME Mahmud, KMF Haque
Iranian Journal of Public Health 43 (Supple 3), 172-179, 2014
Equilibrium, kinetics, and thermodynamics studies of polypyrrole adsorbent for arsenic ions
AKO Huq, R Yahya, HNME Mahmud
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 18 (1), 240-250, 2018
Development of fiber enriched herbal biscuits by incorporating tulsi leaves on wheat flour: a preliminary study on sensory evaluation and chemical composition
MJ Alam, AO Huq, UK Prodhan, MU Talukder
Res Rev J Herb Sci 2 (2), 1-5, 2013
Development and characterization of composite wheat flour incorporated with psyllium husk (Plantago ovata) and peanut (Arachis hypogea) and sensory properties of composite …
MA Alim, MZ Abedin, MS Al Reza, AKO Huq, L Bari, M Esrafil, MA Zubair
Food and Humanity 2, 100279, 2024
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