Lorenzo Vazquez Selem
Lorenzo Vazquez Selem
Instituto de Geografía UNAM
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The 10.5 ka Plinian eruption of Nevado de Toluca volcano, Mexico: Stratigraphy and hazard implications
JL Arce, JL Macías, L Vázquez-Selem
Geological Society of America Bulletin 115 (2), 230-248, 2003
Evidencias de cambio climático y ambiental en registros glaciales y en cuencas lacustres del centro de México durante el último máximo glacial
M Caballero, S Lozano-García, L Vázquez-Selem, B Ortega
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana 62 (3), 359-377, 2010
Last glacial maximum and deglaciation of Sierra de Gredos, central Iberian Peninsula
D Palacios, J de Marcos, L Vázquez-Selem
Quaternary International 233 (1), 16-26, 2011
Mapping and modelling mass movements and gullies in mountainous areas using remote sensing and GIS techniques
JA Zinck, J López, GI Metternicht, DP Shrestha, L Vázquez-Selem
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 3 (1 …, 2001
Glacial landforms and their paleoclimatic significance in Sierra de Guadarrama, Central Iberian Peninsula
D Palacios, N de Andrés, J de Marcos, L Vázquez-Selem
Geomorphology 139, 67-78, 2012
Late quaternary glaciation of Mexico
L Vázquez-Selem, K Heine
Developments in quaternary sciences 2, 233-242, 2004
Last glacial maximum equilibrium line altitudes in the circum-Caribbean (Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Venezuela)
MS Lachniet, L Vazquez-Selem
Quaternary International 138, 129-144, 2005
The deglaciation of the Americas during the Last Glacial Termination
D Palacios, CR Stokes, FM Phillips, JJ Clague, J Alcalá-Reygosa, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 203, 103113, 2020
A high-elevation Holocene pollen record from Iztaccíhuatl volcano, central Mexico
S Lozano-Garcial, L Vizquez-Selem
The Holocene 15 (3), 329-338, 2005
Orbital pacing and ocean circulation-induced collapses of the Mesoamerican monsoon over the past 22,000 y
MS Lachniet, Y Asmerom, JP Bernal, VJ Polyak, L Vazquez-Selem
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (23), 9255-9260, 2013
The deglaciation of the Sierra Nevada (southern Spain)
A Gómez-Ortiz, D Palacios, B Palade, L Vázquez-Selem, ...
Geomorphology 159, 93-105, 2012
Late Quaternary Glaciation in Mexico
L Vazquez-Selem, K Heine
Developments in Quaternary Science 15, 849-861, 2011
Maximum glacial advance and deglaciation of the Pinar Valley (Sierra de Gredos, Central Spain) and its significance in the Mediterranean context
D Palacios, N Andrés, J Marcos, L Vázquez-Selem
Geomorphology 177, 51-61, 2012
Maximum extent of Late Pleistocene glaciers and last deglaciation of La Cerdanya mountains, Southeastern Pyrenees
D Palacios, A Gómez-Ortiz, N Andrés, L Vázquez-Selem, ...
Geomorphology 231, 116-129, 2015
Soil organic carbon stocks and forest productivity in volcanic ash soils of different age (1835–30,500 years BP) in Mexico
VM Peña-Ramírez, L Vázquez-Selem, C Siebe
Geoderma 149 (3-4), 224-234, 2009
Árboles longevos de México
J Villanueva Díaz, J Cerano Paredes, DW Stahle, V Constante García, ...
Revista mexicana de ciencias forestales 1 (2), 7-30, 2010
Red dendrocronológica del pino de altura (Pinus hartwegii Lindl.) para estudios dendroclimáticos en el noreste y centro de México
JV Díaz, JC Paredes, LV Selem, DW Stahle, PZ Fulé, LL Yocom, ...
Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía 2015 (86), 5-14, 2015
Reconstrucción de precipitación invierno-primavera para el Parque Nacional Pico de Tancítaro, Michoacán
J Cerano Paredes, J Villanueva Díaz, R Cervantes Martínez, ...
Investigaciones geográficas, 41-54, 2014
La diversidad en el pasado
J Arroyo-Cabrales, AL Carreño, S Lozano-García, ...
Capital natural de México 1, 227-262, 2008
Multiple dendrochronological signals indicate the eruption of Paricutin volcano, Michoacan, Mexico
PR Sheppard, MH Ort, KC Anderson, MD Elson, L Vazquez-Selem, ...
Tree-Ring Research 64 (2), 97-108, 2008
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