Frauke Kracke
Microbial electron transport and energy conservation–the foundation for optimizing bioelectrochemical systems
F Kracke, I Vassilev, JO Krömer
Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 575, 2015
Robust and biocompatible catalysts for efficient hydrogen-driven microbial electrosynthesis
F Kracke, AB Wong, K Maegaard, JS Deutzmann, MKA Hubert, C Hahn, ...
Communications Chemistry 2 (1), 45, 2019
Identifying target processes for microbial electrosynthesis by elementary mode analysis
F Kracke, JO Krömer
BMC bioinformatics 15, 1-14, 2014
Electrifying white biotechnology: Engineering and economic potential of electricity‐driven bio‐production
F Harnisch, LFM Rosa, F Kracke, B Virdis, JO Krömer
ChemSusChem 8 (5), 758-766, 2015
Balancing cellular redox metabolism in microbial electrosynthesis and electro fermentation–A chance for metabolic engineering
F Kracke, B Lai, S Yu, JO Krömer
Metabolic engineering 45, 109-120, 2018
Redox dependent metabolic shift in Clostridium autoethanogenum by extracellular electron supply
F Kracke, B Virdis, PV Bernhardt, K Rabaey, JO Krömer
Biotechnology for biofuels 9, 1-12, 2016
Microbial electrosynthesis system with dual biocathode arrangement for simultaneous acetogenesis, solventogenesis and carbon chain elongation
I Vassilev, F Kracke, S Freguia, J Keller, JO Krömer, P Ledezma, B Virdis
Chemical Communications 55 (30), 4351-4354, 2019
Nontoxic, hydrophilic cationic polymers—identified as class of antimicrobial polymers
A Strassburg, F Kracke, J Wenners, A Jemeljanova, J Kuepper, ...
Macromolecular bioscience 15 (12), 1710-1723, 2015
Designing a Zn–Ag Catalyst Matrix and Electrolyzer System for CO2 Conversion to CO and Beyond
S Lamaison, D Wakerley, F Kracke, T Moore, L Zhou, DU Lee, L Wang, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (1), 2103963, 2022
In situ electrochemical H 2 production for efficient and stable power-to-gas electromethanogenesis
F Kracke, JS Deutzmann, W Gu, AM Spormann
Green Chemistry 22 (18), 6194-6203, 2020
Efficient hydrogen delivery for microbial electrosynthesis via 3D-printed cathodes
F Kracke, JS Deutzmann, BS Jayathilake, SH Pang, S Chandrasekaran, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 696473, 2021
Microbial electrosynthesis of acetate powered by intermittent electricity
JS Deutzmann, F Kracke, W Gu, AM Spormann
Environmental Science & Technology 56 (22), 16073-16081, 2022
Predicting and experimental evaluating bio-electrochemical synthesis—A case study with Clostridium kluyveri
C Koch, A Kuchenbuch, F Kracke, PV Bernhardt, J Krömer, F Harnisch
Bioelectrochemistry 118, 114-122, 2017
Metabolic network analysis of microbial methane utilization for biomass formation and upgrading to bio-fuels
NJH Averesch, F Kracke
Frontiers in Energy Research 6, 106, 2018
Metabolic diversity in commensal protists regulates intestinal immunity and trans-kingdom competition
ER Gerrick, S Zlitni, PT West, MM Carter, CM Mechler, MR Olm, ...
Cell 187 (1), 62-78. e20, 2024
Quantitative analysis of aromatics for synthetic biology using liquid chromatography
B Lai, MR Plan, NJH Averesch, S Yu, F Kracke, N Lekieffre, S Bydder, ...
Biotechnology journal 12 (1), 1600269, 2017
Developing reactors for electrifying bio-methanation: a perspective from bio-electrochemistry
BS Jayathilake, S Chandrasekaran, MC Freyman, JS Deutzmann, ...
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 6 (5), 1249-1263, 2022
Microbial electromethanogenesis powered by curtailed renewable electricity
JS Deutzmann, F Kracke, AM Spormann
Cell Reports Physical Science 4 (8), 2023
Low-cost clamp-on photometers (ClampOD) and tube photometers (TubeOD) for online cell density determination
JS Deutzmann, G Callander, W Gu, AL Müller, AL McCully, JK Ahn, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 790576, 2022
Microbial electron transport and energy conservation–the foundation for optimizing bioelectrochemical systems. Front Microbiol 2015; 6: 1–18
F Kracke, I Vassilev, JO Krömer
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