Helen Poole
Helen Poole
Professor of Applied Health Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Using a reflective diary to develop bracketing skills during a phenomenological investigation
C Wall, S Glenn, S Mitchinson, H Poole
Nurse Researcher 11 (4), 2004
Maternal parenting stress and its correlates in families with a young child with cerebral palsy
S Glenn, C Cunningham, H Poole, D Reeves, M Weindling
Child: care, health and development 35 (1), 71-78, 2009
Depression in chronic pain patients: prevalence and measurement
H Poole, S White, C Blake, P Murphy, R Bramwell
Pain Practice 9 (3), 173-180, 2009
Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome in adults: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials published from J une 2000 to F ebruary 2012
L Cossins, RW Okell, H Cameron, B Simpson, HM Poole, A Goebel
European Journal of Pain 17 (2), 158-173, 2013
A randomised controlled study of reflexology for the management of chronic low back pain
H Poole, S Glenn, P Murphy
European Journal of Pain 11 (8), 878-887, 2007
Psychological approaches to chronic pain management: part 1
N Adams, H Poole, C Richardson
Journal of clinical nursing 15 (3), 290-300, 2006
Factor structure of the Beck Depression Inventory-II in patients with chronic pain
H Poole, R Bramwell, P Murphy
The Clinical journal of pain 22 (9), 790-798, 2006
The utility of the Beck Depression Inventory Fast Screen (BDI-FS) in a pain clinic population
H Poole, R Bramwell, P Murphy
European Journal of Pain 13 (8), 865-869, 2009
Issues potentially affecting quality of life arising from long-term medicines use: a qualitative study
J Krska, CW Morecroft, H Poole, PH Rowe
International journal of clinical pharmacy 35, 1161-1169, 2013
Chronic pain and coping: a proposed role for nurses and nursing models
C Richardson, H Poole
Journal of Advanced Nursing 34 (5), 659-667, 2001
Patients' experiences of living beyond colorectal cancer: a qualitative study
L Appleton, S Goodlad, F Irvine, H Poole, C Wall
European Journal of Oncology Nursing 17 (5), 610-617, 2013
A quantitative sensory testing approach to pain in autism spectrum disorders
S Vaughan, F McGlone, H Poole, DJ Moore
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50, 1607-1620, 2020
Measuring the impact of long-term medicines use from the patient perspective
J Krska, CW Morecroft, PH Rowe, H Poole
International journal of clinical pharmacy 36, 675-678, 2014
Development and preliminary validation of the NePIQoL: a quality-of-life measure for neuropathic pain
HM Poole, P Murphy, TJ Nurmikko
Journal of pain and symptom management 37 (2), 233-245, 2009
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over primary motor vs non-motor cortical targets; effects on experimental hyperalgesia in healthy subjects
P Sacco, M Prior, H Poole, T Nurmikko
BMC neurology 14, 1-8, 2014
The relationship between pain-induced autonomic arousal and perceived duration.
A Piovesan, L Mirams, H Poole, D Moore, R Ogden
Emotion 19 (7), 1148, 2019
Being in safe hands: Patients’ perceptions of how cancer services may support psychological well‐being
L Appleton, H Poole, C Wall
Journal of advanced nursing 74 (7), 1531-1543, 2018
Psychological approaches for the nursing management of chronic pain: part 2
C Richardson, N Adams, H Poole
Journal of clinical nursing 15 (9), 1196-1202, 2006
Factors influencing patient uptake of an exercise referral scheme: a qualitative study
SB Birtwistle, G Ashcroft, R Murphy, I Gee, H Poole, PM Watson
Health education research 34 (1), 113-127, 2019
Neuropathic pain intensity, unpleasantness, coping strategies, and psychosocial factors after spinal cord injury: an exploratory longitudinal study during the first year
J Taylor, S Huelbes, S Albu, J Gómez-Soriano, C Peñacoba, HM Poole
Pain Medicine 13 (11), 1457-1468, 2012
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