Yvan Dutil
Yvan Dutil
Ministère de la Santé et des services sociaux, Québec
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A review on phase-change materials: Mathematical modeling and simulations
Y Dutil, DR Rousse, NB Salah, S Lassue, L Zalewski
Renewable and sustainable Energy reviews 15 (1), 112-130, 2011
A comprehensive review of solar facades. Opaque solar facades
G Quesada, D Rousse, Y Dutil, M Badache, S Hallé
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (5), 2820-2832, 2012
A comprehensive review of solar facades. Transparent and translucent solar facades
G Quesada, D Rousse, Y Dutil, M Badache, S Hallé
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (5), 2643-2651, 2012
Experimental study of small-scale solar wall integrating phase change material
L Zalewski, A Joulin, S Lassue, Y Dutil, D Rousse
Solar Energy 86 (1), 208-219, 2012
Tracking strategy for photovoltaic solar systems in high latitudes
G Quesada, L Guillon, DR Rousse, M Mehrtash, Y Dutil, PL Paradis
Energy conversion and Management 103, 147-156, 2015
Modeling phase change materials behavior in building applications: Comments on material characterization and model validation
Y Dutil, D Rousse, S Lassue, L Zalewski, A Joulin, J Virgone, F Kuznik, ...
Renewable Energy 61, 132-135, 2014
Sustainable buildings: An ever evolving target
Y Dutil, D Rousse, G Quesada
Sustainability 3 (2), 443-464, 2011
Chemical evidence for morphological evolution of spiral galaxies
Y Dutil, JR Roy
The Astrophysical Journal 516 (1), 62, 1999
The O/H distribution in the low-mass galaxies NGC 2366 and NGC 4395
JR Roy, J Belley, Y Dutil, P Martin
Astrophysical Journal v. 460, p. 284 460, 284, 1996
Study of the influence of roof insulation involving local materials on cooling loads of houses built of clay and straw
DYK Toguyeni, O Coulibaly, A Ouedraogo, J Koulidiati, Y Dutil, D Rousse
Energy and Buildings 50, 74-80, 2012
Performance evaluation of sun tracking photovoltaic systems in Canada
M Mehrtash, G Quesada, Y Dutil, D Rousse
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope adaptive optics bonnette II: simulations and control
FJ Rigaut, R Arsenault, JM Kerr, DA Salmon, MJ Northcott, Y Dutil, ...
Adaptive Optics in Astronomy 2201, 149-160, 1994
Experimental and two-dimensional numerical simulation of an unglazed transpired solar air collector
M Badache, D Rousse, S Hallé, G Quesada, Y Dutil
Energy Procedia 30, 19-28, 2012
Wind-Diesel hybrid system: energy storage system selection method
H Ibrahim, M Dimitrova, Y Dutil, D Rousse, A Ilinca, J Perron
Innostock 2012, 2012
Energy costs of energy savings in buildings: a review
Y Dutil, D Rousse
Sustainability 4 (8), 1711-1732, 2012
Economic and energy analysis of domestic ground source heat pump systems in four Canadian cities
M Le Dû, Y Dutil, DR Rousse, PL Paradis, D Groulx
Journal of renewable and sustainable energy 7 (5), 2015
ACE-FTS level 0-to-1 data processing
Y Dutil, S Lantagne, S Dubé, RH Poulin
Earth Observing Systems VII 4814, 102-110, 2002
The Hazards of Imaging Spectrophotometry with Interference Filters
Y Dutil, JR Roy
The Astronomical Journal 122 (3), 1644, 2001
Maîtriser notre avenir énergétique : Pour le bénéfice économique, environnemental et social de tous
R Lanoue, N Mousseau, Y Dutil
Gouvernement du Québec, 2014
Large-scale experimental study of a phase change material: shape identification for the solid–liquid interface
S Kadri, B Dhifaoui, Y Dutil, SB Jabrallah, DR Rousse
International Journal of Thermophysics 36, 2897-2915, 2015
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