Xiao Qin
Improving mapreduce performance through data placement in heterogeneous hadoop clusters
J Xie, S Yin, X Ruan, Z Ding, Y Tian, J Majors, A Manzanares, X Qin
2010 IEEE international symposium on parallel & distributed processing …, 2010
Online optimization for scheduling preemptable tasks on IaaS cloud systems
J Li, M Qiu, Z Ming, G Quan, X Qin, Z Gu
Journal of parallel and Distributed Computing 72 (5), 666-677, 2012
Towards energy-efficient scheduling for real-time tasks under uncertain cloud computing environment
H Chen, X Zhu, H Guo, J Zhu, X Qin, J Wu
Journal of Systems and Software 99, 20-35, 2015
A novel fault-tolerant scheduling algorithm for precedence constrained tasks in real-time heterogeneous systems
X Qin, H Jiang
Parallel Computing 32 (5-6), 331-356, 2006
Scheduling security-critical real-time applications on clusters
T Xie, X Qin
IEEE transactions on computers 55 (7), 864-879, 2006
EAD and PEBD: two energy-aware duplication scheduling algorithms for parallel tasks on homogeneous clusters
Z Zong, A Manzanares, X Ruan, X Qin
IEEE Transactions on Computers 60 (3), 360-374, 2010
Detecting fake news for reducing misinformation risks using analytics approaches
C Zhang, A Gupta, C Kauten, AV Deokar, X Qin
European journal of operational research 279 (3), 1036-1052, 2019
A dynamic and reliability-driven scheduling algorithm for parallel real-time jobs executing on heterogeneous clusters
X Qin, H Jiang
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 65 (8), 885-900, 2005
QoS-aware fault-tolerant scheduling for real-time tasks on heterogeneous clusters
X Zhu, X Qin, M Qiu
IEEE transactions on Computers 60 (6), 800-812, 2011
Energy-aware data allocation with hybrid memory for mobile cloud systems
M Qiu, Z Chen, Z Ming, X Qin, J Niu
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (2), 813-822, 2014
The ${\schmi g} $-Good-Neighbor Conditional Diagnosability of ${\schmi k} $-Ary ${\schmi n} $-Cubes under the PMC Model and MM Model
J Yuan, A Liu, X Ma, X Liu, X Qin, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (4), 1165-1177, 2014
Resource allocation robustness in multi-core embedded systems with inaccurate information
J Li, Z Ming, M Qiu, G Quan, X Qin, T Chen
Journal of Systems Architecture 57 (9), 840-849, 2011
An efficient fault-tolerant scheduling algorithm for real-time tasks with precedence constraints in heterogeneous systems
X Qin, H Jiang, DR Swanson
Proceedings international conference on parallel processing, 360-368, 2002
A decentralized approach for mining event correlations in distributed system monitoring
G Wu, H Zhang, M Qiu, Z Ming, J Li, X Qin
Journal of parallel and Distributed Computing 73 (3), 330-340, 2013
Static security optimization for real-time systems
M Lin, L Xu, LT Yang, X Qin, N Zheng, Z Wu, M Qiu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 5 (1), 22-37, 2009
Fidoop: Parallel mining of frequent itemsets using mapreduce
Y Xun, J Zhang, X Qin
IEEE transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: systems 46 (3), 313-325, 2015
Security-aware optimization for ubiquitous computing systems with SEAT graph approach
M Qiu, L Zhang, Z Ming, Z Chen, X Qin, LT Yang
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 79 (5), 518-529, 2013
Feedback dynamic algorithms for preemptable job scheduling in cloud systems
J Li, M Qiu, J Niu, W Gao, Z Zong, X Qin
2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2010
Security-aware resource allocation for real-time parallel jobs on homogeneous and heterogeneous clusters
T Xie, X Qin
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 19 (5), 682-697, 2008
Data allocation for hybrid memory with genetic algorithm
M Qiu, Z Chen, J Niu, Z Zong, G Quan, X Qin, LT Yang
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 3 (4), 544-555, 2015
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