Kirsi Pyhältö
Kirsi Pyhältö
Professor of Higher Education, University of Helsinki
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Students’ emotional and cognitive engagement as the determinants of well-being and achievement in school
J Pietarinen, T Soini, K Pyhältö
International Journal of Educational Research 67, 40-51, 2014
Balancing between inspiration and exhaustion: PhD students' experienced socio-psychological well-being
J Stubb, K Pyhältö, K Lonka
Studies in continuing education 33 (1), 33-50, 2011
Teachers’ professional agency in contradictory times
A Toom, K Pyhältö, FOC Rust
Teachers and teaching 21 (6), 615-623, 2015
Reducing teacher burnout: A socio-contextual approach
J Pietarinen, K Pyhältö, T Soini, K Salmela-Aro
Teaching and Teacher Education 35, 62-72, 2013
Why leave the teaching profession? A longitudinal approach to the prevalence and persistence of teacher turnover intentions
K Räsänen, J Pietarinen, K Pyhältö, T Soini, P Väisänen
Social Psychology of Education 23, 837-859, 2020
Teacher–working-environment fit as a framework for burnout experienced by Finnish teachers
K Pyhältö, J Pietarinen, K Salmela-Aro
Teaching and teacher education 27 (7), 1101-1110, 2011
Pedagogical well‐being: reflecting learning and well‐being in teachers’ work
T Soini, K Pyhältö, J Pietarinen
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice 16 (6), 735-751, 2010
Challenges of Becoming a Scholar: A Study of Doctoral Students′ Problems and Well‐Being
K Pyhältö, A Toom, J Stubb, K Lonka
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 934941, 2012
Developing scholarly communities as learning environments for doctoral students
K Pyhältö, J Stubb, K Lonka
International Journal for Academic Development 14 (3), 221-232, 2009
Teachers’ professional agency and learning–from adaption to active modification in the teacher community
K Pyhältö, J Pietarinen, T Soini
Teachers and teaching 21 (7), 811-830, 2015
Do comprehensive school teachers perceive themselves as active professional agents in school reforms?
K Pyhältö, J Pietarinen, T Soini
Journal of educational change 13, 95-116, 2012
Early career teachers’ sense of professional agency in the classroom: Associations with turnover intentions and perceived inadequacy in teacher–student interaction
L Heikonen, J Pietarinen, K Pyhältö, A Toom, T Soini
Asia-Pacific Journal of teacher education 45 (3), 250-266, 2017
The relationship between doctoral students’ perceptions of supervision and burnout
S Cornér, E Löfström, K Pyhältö
International Journal of Doctoral Studies 12, 91-106, 2017
Fit matters in the supervisory relationship: Doctoral students and supervisors perceptions about the supervisory activities
K Pyhältö, J Vekkaila, J Keskinen
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 52 (1), 4-16, 2015
Liikunta ja oppiminen
H Syväoja, M Kantomaa, K Laine, T Jaakkola, K Pyhältö, T Tammelin
Helsinki: Opetushallitus, 2012
Teacher burnout profiles and proactive strategies
K Pyhältö, J Pietarinen, K Haverinen, L Tikkanen, T Soini
European Journal of Psychology of Education 36 (1), 219-242, 2021
Large-scale curriculum reform in Finland–exploring the interrelation between implementation strategy, the function of the reform, and curriculum coherence
J Pietarinen, K Pyhältö, T Soini
The Curriculum Journal 28 (1), 22-40, 2017
Comprehensive school teachers’ professional agency in large-scale educational change
K Pyhältö, J Pietarinen, T Soini
Journal of educational change 15, 303-325, 2014
What contributes to first-year student teachers’ sense of professional agency in the classroom?
T Soini, J Pietarinen, A Toom, K Pyhältö
Teachers and Teaching 21 (6), 641-659, 2015
How does the learning environment in teacher education cultivate first year student teachers' sense of professional agency in the professional community?
A Toom, J Pietarinen, T Soini, K Pyhältö
Teaching and teacher education 63, 126-136, 2017
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