Straipsniai su viešo pasiekiamumo įpareigojimais - Prof. Mznah Al-RodhaanSužinokite daugiau
Niekur nepasiekiama: 12
KDVEM: ak-degree anonymity with vertex and edge modification algorithm
T Ma, Y Zhang, J Cao, J Shen, M Tang, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, ...
Computing 97 (12), 1165-1184, 2015
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
LGIEM: Global and local node influence based community detection
T Ma, Q Liu, J Cao, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Future Generation Computer Systems 105, 533-546, 2020
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Deep rolling: A novel emotion prediction model for a multi-participant communication context
H Rong, T Ma, J Cao, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Information Sciences 488, 158-180, 2019
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A privacy preserving location service for cloud-of-things system
Y Tian, MM Kaleemullah, MA Rodhaan, B Song, A Al-Dhelaan, T Ma
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 123, 215-222, 2019
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A novel sentiment polarity detection framework for Chinese
T Ma, H Rong, Y Hao, J Cao, Y Tian, M Al-Rodhaan
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (1), 60-74, 2019
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Natural disaster topic extraction in sina microblogging based on graph analysis
T Ma, YW Zhao, H Zhou, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Expert systems with applications 115, 346-355, 2019
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Chi-square statistics feature selection based on term frequency and distribution for text categorization
C Jin, T Ma, R Hou, M Tang, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
IETE journal of research 61 (4), 351-362, 2015
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Detect structural‐connected communities based on BSCHEF in C‐DBLP
T Ma, H Rong, C Ying, Y Tian, A Al‐Dhelaan, M Al‐Rodhaan
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28 (2), 311-330, 2016
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Optimized Laplacian image sharpening algorithm based on graphic processing unit
T Ma, L Li, S Ji, X Wang, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 416, 400-410, 2014
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A self-play and sentiment-emphasized comment integration framework based on deep q-learning in a crowdsourcing scenario
H Rong, VS Sheng, T Ma, Y Zhou, M Al-Rodhaan
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34 (3), 1021-1037, 2020
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Three-stage Transferable and Generative Crowdsourced Comment Integration Framework Based on Zero-and Few-shot Learning with Domain Distribution Alignment
H Rong, X Yu, T Ma, VS Sheng, Y Zhou, AR Mznah
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 18 (3), 1-43, 2024
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
EkCRNN: A kNN Privacy Preserving Query Algorithm Based on Circular Region Extension
H Zhou, T Ma, J Jia, Y Tian, M Al-Rodhaan
Cloud Computing and Security: 4th International Conference, ICCCS 2018 …, 2018
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Kur nors pasiekiama: 15
Social network and tag sources based augmenting collaborative recommender system
T Ma, J Zhou, M Tang, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan, S Lee
IEICE transactions on Information and Systems 98 (4), 902-910, 2015
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An efficient and scalable density-based clustering algorithm for datasets with complex structures
Y Lv, T Ma, M Tang, J Cao, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Neurocomputing 171, 9-22, 2016
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
LED: A fast overlapping communities detection algorithm based on structural clustering
T Ma, Y Wang, M Tang, J Cao, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Neurocomputing 207, 488-500, 2016
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A new method of privacy protection: random k-anonymous
F Song, T Ma, Y Tian, M Al-Rodhaan
Ieee Access 7, 75434-75445, 2019
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
PPSDT: A novel privacy-preserving single decision tree algorithm for clinical decision-support systems using IoT devices
A Alabdulkarim, M Al-Rodhaan, T Ma, Y Tian
Sensors 19 (1), 142, 2019
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Weighted greedy dual size frequency based caching replacement algorithm
T Ma, J Qu, W Shen, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
IEEE Access 6, 7214-7223, 2018
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Protection of location privacy for moving kNN queries in social networks
T Ma, J Jia, Y Xue, Y Tian, A Al-Dhelaan, M Al-Rodhaan
Applied Soft Computing 66, 525-532, 2018
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An improved web cache replacement algorithm based on weighting and cost
T Ma, Y Hao, W Shen, Y Tian, M Al-Rodhaan
IEEE Access 6, 27010-27017, 2018
Įpareigojimai: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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