Kejiang Ye
How to build a graph-based deep learning architecture in traffic domain: A survey
J Ye, J Zhao, K Ye, C Xu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (5), 3904-3924, 2020
Ffd: A federated learning based method for credit card fraud detection
W Yang, Y Zhang, K Ye, L Li, CZ Xu
Big data–bigData 2019: 8th international congress, held as part of the …, 2019
Live migration of multiple virtual machines with resource reservation in cloud computing environments
K Ye, X Jiang, D Huang, J Chen, B Wang
2011 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 267-274, 2011
Imbalance in the Cloud: an Analysis on Alibaba Cluster Trace
C Lu, K Ye, G Xu, CZ Xu, T Bai
Big Data (Big Data), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, 2884 - 2892, 2017
Characterizing microservice dependency and performance: Alibaba trace analysis
S Luo, H Xu, C Lu, K Ye, G Xu, L Zhang, Y Ding, J He, C Xu
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on cloud computing, 412-426, 2021
Dynamic network anomaly detection system by using deep learning techniques
P Lin, K Ye, CZ Xu
Cloud Computing–CLOUD 2019: 12th International Conference, Held as Part of …, 2019
Serverless computing: state-of-the-art, challenges and opportunities
Y Li, Y Lin, Y Wang, K Ye, C Xu
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 16 (2), 1522-1539, 2022
Virtual machine based energy-efficient data center architecture for cloud computing: A performance perspective
K Ye, D Huang, X Jiang, H Chen, S Wu
2010 IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on Green Computing and Communications & Int'l …, 2010
叶可江, 吴朝晖, 姜晓红, 何钦铭
计算机学报 35 (006), 1262-1285, 2012
An energy-efficient scheme for cloud resource provisioning based on CloudSim
Y Shi, X Jiang, K Ye
2011 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 595-599, 2011
Profiling-based Workload Consolidation and Migration in Virtualized Data Centres
K Ye, Z Wu, C Wang, B Zhou, W Si, X Jiang, A Zomaya
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (3), 878 - 890, 2015
Analyzing and modeling the performance in xen-based virtual cluster environment
K Ye, X Jiang, S Chen, D Huang, B Wang
2010 IEEE 12th International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2010
esDNN: deep neural network based multivariate workload prediction in cloud computing environments
M Xu, C Song, H Wu, SS Gill, K Ye, C Xu
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 22 (3), 1-24, 2022
Power management of virtualized cloud computing platform
KJ Ye, ZH Wu, XH Jiang, QM He
Chinese Journal of Computers 35 (6), 1262-1285, 2012
Algorithmics of cost-driven computation offloading in the edge-cloud environment
M Du, Y Wang, K Ye, C Xu
IEEE Transactions on Computers 69 (10), 1519-1532, 2020
Multi-graph convolutional network for relationship-driven stock movement prediction
J Ye, J Zhao, K Ye, C Xu
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 6702-6709, 2021
How does the workload look like in production cloud? analysis and clustering of workloads on alibaba cluster trace
W Chen, K Ye, Y Wang, G Xu, CZ Xu
2018 IEEE 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems …, 2018
The power of prediction: microservice auto scaling via workload learning
S Luo, H Xu, K Ye, G Xu, L Zhang, G Yang, C Xu
Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Cloud Computing, 355-369, 2022
Multi-stgcnet: A graph convolution based spatial-temporal framework for subway passenger flow forecasting
J Ye, J Zhao, K Ye, C Xu
2020 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
A deep learning approach for network anomaly detection based on AMF-LSTM
M Zhu, K Ye, Y Wang, CZ Xu
Network and Parallel Computing: 15th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference …, 2018
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