Lisa Palmqvist
The effectiveness of working memory training with individuals with intellectual disabilities–a meta-analytic review
H Danielsson, V Zottarel, L Palmqvist, S Lanfranchi
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 1230, 2015
Bicyclists’ speed adaptation strategies when conducting self-paced vs. system-paced smartphone tasks in traffic
K Kircher, C Ahlstrom, L Palmqvist, E Adell
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 28, 55-64, 2015
Cognitive abilities and life experience in everyday planning in adolescents with intellectual disabilities: Support for the difference model
L Palmqvist, H Danielsson, A Jönsson, J Rönnberg
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 64 (3), 209-220, 2020
My point of view: Students with intellectual and communicative disabilities express their views on speech and reading using Talking Mats
J Samuelsson, E Holmer, JÅ Johnels, L Palmqvist, M Heimann, ...
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 52 (1), 23-35, 2024
Parents act as intermediary users for their children when using assistive technology for cognition in everyday planning: Results from a parental survey
L Palmqvist, H Danielsson
Assistive Technology 32 (4), 194-202, 2020
‘To have a plan’: teachers’ perceptions of working with a literacy instruction combining phonics and comprehension applications for students with intellectual disability and …
J Samuelsson, J Åsberg Johnels, E Holmer, L Palmqvist, M Heimann, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 19 (8), 3039-3049, 2024
Structural differences of the semantic network in adolescents with intellectual disability
K Nilsson, L Palmqvist, M Ivarsson, A Levén, H Danielsson, M Annell, ...
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 5 (2), 25, 2021
The relationship between early literacy skills and speech-sound production in students with intellectual disability and communication difficulties: A cross-sectional study
J Samuelsson, J Åsberg Johnels, G Thunberg, L Palmqvist, M Heimann, ...
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 71 (1), 130-140, 2025
Will an app-based reading intervention change how teachers rate their teaching self-efficacy beliefs? A test of social cognitive theory in Swedish special educational settings
M Reichenberg, G Thunberg, E Holmer, L Palmqvist, J Samuelsson, ...
Frontiers in Education 8, 1184719, 2023
Performance and presence with head-movement produced motion parallax in simulated driving
L Eriksson, L Palmqvist, JA Hultgren, B Blissing, S Nordin
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 34, 54-64, 2015
The relationship between working memory capacity and students’ behaviour in a teachable agent-based software
L Palmqvist, C Kirkegaard, A Silvervarg, M Haake, A Gulz
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 17th International Conference, AIED …, 2015
Depth perception in driving simulators
L Palmqvist
Bachelor’s thesis. Umeå, Sweden: Department of Psychology, Umeå University, 2013
DEPTH PERCEPTION IN DRIVING SIMULATORS: Observer-produced motion parallax, how it affects car drivers’ position and perceived presence
L Palmqvist
Improved phonological awareness in children with intellectual disability: A large-scale controlled intervention study combining phonics-based and comprehension-based digital …
L Palmqvist, E Holmer, J Samuelsson, G Thunberg, M Reichenberg, ...
OSF Preprints, 2024
Träning av planeringsförmågor hos ungdomar med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning
L Palmqvist, H Danielsson, A Jonsson, J Rönnberg
Natur och kultur, 2021
Feasibility of a tablet-based program for training everyday planning in adolescents with intellectual disabilities
L Palmqvist, H Danielsson, A Jönsson, J Rönnberg
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 19 (2), 172-186, 2020
Time to Plan How to Support Everyday Planning in Adolescents with Intellectual Disability
L Palmqvist
PQDT-Global, 2020
The effectiveness of working memory training with individuals with intellectual disabilities–a meta-analytic review.
D Henrick, V Zottarel, L Palmqvist, S Lanfranchi
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2 (1230), 1-10, 2015
Executive functions and Planning in everyday life: Assistive Technologies for Cognition and their lack of support for children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder
L Palmqvist
Cyklisters kompensationsstrategier när de använder mobil IT i trafiken
K Kircher, C Ahlström, B Thorslund, L Palmqvist, E Adell, A Nilsson, ...
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20