Piu Chawdhury
A promising plasma-catalytic approach towards single-step methane conversion to oxygenates at room temperature
P Chawdhury, Y Wang, D Ray, S Mathieu, N Wang, J Harding, F Bin, X Tu, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 284, 119735, 2021
Ni and Cu oxide supported γ-Al2O3 packed DBD plasma reactor for CO2 activation
D Ray, P Chawdhury, K Bhargavi, S Thatikonda, N Lingaiah, ...
Journal of CO2 Utilization 44, 101400, 2021
Single step conversion of methane to methanol assisted by nonthermal plasma
P Chawdhury, D Ray, C Subrahmanyam
Fuel Processing Technology 179, 32-41, 2018
Catalytic DBD plasma approach for methane partial oxidation to methanol under ambient conditions
P Chawdhury, D Ray, T Vinodkumar, C Subrahmanyam
Catalysis Today 337, 117-125, 2019
A facile method to decompose CO2 using a g-C3N4-assisted DBD plasma reactor
D Ray, P Chawdhury, C Subrahmanyam
Environmental Research 183, 109286, 2020
NTP reactor for a single stage methane conversion to methanol: influence of catalyst addition and effect of promoters
P Chawdhury, D Kumar, C Subrahmanyam
Chemical Engineering Journal 372, 638-647, 2019
NTP-assisted partial oxidation of methane to methanol: effect of plasma parameters on glass-packed DBD
P Chawdhury, D Ray, D Nepak, C Subrahmanyam
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (1), 015204, 2018
Methane decomposition by plasma-packed bed non-thermal plasma reactor
P Chawdhury, SB Rawool, MU Rao, C Subrahmanyam
Chemical Engineering Science 258, 117779, 2022
A single-stage partial oxidation of methane to methanol: a step forward in the synthesis of oxygenates
P Chawdhury, K Bhargavi, C Subrahmanyam
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 5 (13), 3351-3362, 2021
Non-thermal plasma assisted CO2 conversion to CO: Influence of non-catalytic glass packing materials
MU Rao, K Bhargavi, P Chawdhury, D Ray, SRK Vanjari, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 267, 118376, 2023
Enhanced synergy by plasma reduced Pd nanoparticles on in-plasma catalytic methane conversion to liquid oxygenates
P Chawdhury, K Bhargavi, C Subrahmanyam
Catalysis Communications 147, 106139, 2020
Promising catalytic activity by non-thermal plasma synthesized SBA-15-supported metal catalysts in one-step plasma-catalytic methane conversion to value-added fuels
P Chawdhury, K Bhargavi, M Selvaraj, C Subrahmanyam
Catalysis Science & Technology 10 (16), 5566-5578, 2020
Promising Utilization of CO2 for Syngas Production over Mg2+- and Ce2+-Promoted Ni/γ-Al2O3 Assisted by Nonthermal Plasma
D Ray, P Chawdhury, C Subrahmanyam
ACS omega 5 (23), 14040-14050, 2020
Catalytic non-thermal plasma reactor for oxidative degradation of toluene present in low concentration
K Bhargavi, D Ray, P Chawdhury, BS Rajanikanth, S Thatikonda, ...
Catalysis Today 423, 113998, 2023
Room-temperature toluene decomposition by catalytic non-thermal plasma reactor
K Bhargavi, D Ray, P Chawdhury, M Selvaraj, T Shashidhar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 50 (6), 1416-1422, 2022
Oxidation of Toluene by Ozone over Surface-Modified γ-Al2O3: Effect of Ag Addition
K Bhargavi, D Ray, P Chawdhury, S Malladi, T Shashidhar, ...
Catalysts 12 (4), 421, 2022
A Promising Plasma-Catalytic Approach Towards Single-Step Methane Conversion to Oxygenates
P Chawdhury
DBD plasma assisted CO2 decomposition: influence of diluent gases and effects of support materials
D Ray, P Chawdhury, S Ch
Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on plasma science and …, 2019
A single-stage methane to methanol: A step forward to the synthesis of oxygenates
P Chawdhury, K Bhargavi, C Subrahmanyam
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