Lu Lu
An Overview of Massive MIMO: Benefits and Challenges
L Lu, GY Li, AL Swindlehurst, A Ashikhmin, R Zhang
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 8 (5), 742 - 758, 2014
Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks
D Feng, L Lu, Y Yuan-Wu, G Li, G Feng, S Li
Communications, IEEE Transactions 61 (8), 3541-3551, 2013
Device-to-device communications in cellular networks
D Feng, L Lu, Y Yuan-Wu, G Li, S Li, G Feng
Communications Magazine, IEEE 52 (4), 49-55, 2014
Ten years of research in spectrum sensing and sharing in cognitive radio
L Lu, X Zhou, U Onunkwo, GY Li
EURASIP journal on wireless communications and networking 2012, 1-16, 2012
Machine learning for vehicular networks: Recent advances and application examples
H Ye, L Liang, GY Li, JB Kim, L Lu, M Wu
IEEE vehicular technology magazine 13 (2), 94-101, 2018
Energy-Efficient Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radios
C Xiong, L Lu, GY Li
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on 32 (3), 550-562, 2014
QoS-aware resource allocation for device-to-device communications with channel uncertainty
D Feng, L Lu, YW Yi, GY Li, G Feng, S Li
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (8), 6051-6062, 2015
Joint user association and spectrum allocation for small cell networks with wireless backhauls
Y Liu, L Lu, GY Li, Q Cui, W Han
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 5 (5), 496-499, 2016
Efficient network coding for wireless broadcasting
L Lu, M Xiao, M Skoglund, L Rasmussen, G Wu, S Li
2010 IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference, 1-6, 2010
Energy efficiency tradeoff in downlink and uplink TDD OFDMA with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer
C Xiong, L Lu, GY Li
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 5383-5388, 2014
Graph-based robust resource allocation for cognitive radio networks
L Lu, D He, GY Li, X Yu
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (14), 3825-3836, 2015
Optimal Power Allocation for CR Networks with Direct and Relay-Aided Transmissions
L Lu, G Li, G Wu
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transcations 12 (4), 1832-1842, 2013
Design and analysis of relay-aided broadcast using binary network codes
L Lu, M Xiao, LK Rasmussen
Journal of Communication 6 (8), 610-617, 2011
Cooperative precoding for cognitive transmission in two-tier networks
R Yao, Y Liu, L Lu, GY Li, A Maaref
IEEE Transactions on Communications 64 (4), 1423-1436, 2016
Spatial-frequency signal alignment for opportunistic transmission
L Lu, GY Li, A Maaref
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (6), 1561-1575, 2014
Relay-aided broadcasting with instantaneously decodable binary network codes
L Lu, M Xiao, LK Rasmussen
2011 Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Communications …, 2011
Opportunistic transmission exploiting frequency-and spatial-domain degrees of freedom
L Lu, GY Li, A Maaref, R Yao
IEEE wireless communications 21 (2), 91-97, 2014
Optimal resource allocation for device-to-device communications in fading channels
D Feng, L Lu, Y Yuan-Wu, GY Li, G Feng, S Li
2013 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 3673-3678, 2013
Energy-efficient OFDMA-based two-way relay
C Xiong, L Lu, GY Li
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (9), 3157-3169, 2015
Optimal sequential detection in cognitive radio networks
L Lu, X Zhou, GY Li
2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 289-293, 2012
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