Erica Weintraub Austin
Erica Weintraub Austin
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication programs
EW Austin, BE Pinkleton
Routledge, 2006
Exploring the effects of active parental mediation of television content
EW Austin
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 37 (2), 147-158, 1993
Relationships of media use and political disaffection to political efficacy and voting behavior
BE Pinkleton, EW Austin, KKJ Fortman
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 42 (1), 34-49, 1998
How does alcohol advertising influence underage drinking? The role of desirability, identification and skepticism
EW Austin, MJ Chen, JW Grube
Journal of adolescent health 38 (4), 376-384, 2006
Effects of interpretations of televised alcohol portrayals on children's alcohol beliefs
EW Austin, HK Meili
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 38 (4), 417-435, 1994
Source v. content effects on judgments of news believability
EW Austin, Q Dong
Journalism quarterly 71 (4), 973-983, 1994
Individual motivations, perceived media importance, and political disaffection
B E. Pinkleton, Erica Weintraub Austin
Political Communication 18 (3), 321-334, 2001
Influences of family communication on children's television-interpretation processes
EW Austin, DF Roberts, CI Nass
Communication research 17 (4), 545-564, 1990
How and why parents take on the tube
EW Austin, P Bolls, Y Fujioka, J Engelbertson
Journal of broadcasting & electronic media 43 (2), 175-192, 1999
Immediate and delayed effects of media literacy training on third grader's decision making for alcohol
EW Austin, KK Johnson
Health Communication 9 (4), 323-349, 1997
The role of interpretation processes and parental discussion in the media's effects on adolescents' use of alcohol
EW Austin, BE Pinkleton, Y Fujioka
Pediatrics 105 (2), 343-349, 2000
An exploration of the effects of negative political advertising on political decision making
BE Pinkleton, NH Um, EW Austin
Journal of Advertising 31 (1), 13-25, 2002
Effects of a peer-led media literacy curriculum on adolescents' knowledge and attitudes toward sexual behavior and media portrayals of sex
BE Pinkleton, EW Austin, M Cohen, YCY Chen, E Fitzgerald
Health communication 23 (5), 462-472, 2008
The relationship of family communication patterns to parental mediation styles
Y Fujioka, EW Austin
Communication Research 29 (6), 642-665, 2002
Predicting the potential for risky behavior among those" too young" to drink as the result of appealing advertising
E Weintraub Austin, C Knaus
Journal of health communication 5 (1), 13-27, 2000
Celebrity endorsements and their potential to motivate young voters
EW Austin, RV Vord, BE Pinkleton, E Epstein
Mass communication and society 11 (4), 420-436, 2008
Exploring college students’ use of general and alcohol-related social media and their associations with alcohol-related behaviors
EW Hoffman, BE Pinkleton, E Weintraub Austin, W Reyes-Velázquez
Journal of American College Health 62 (5), 328-335, 2014
Positive and negative effects of political disaffection on the less experienced voter
EW Austin, BE Pinkleton
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 39 (2), 215-235, 1995
A statewide evaluation of the effectiveness of media literacy training to prevent tobacco use among adolescents
BE Pinkleton, E Weintraub Austin, M Cohen, A Miller, E Fitzgerald
Health communication 21 (1), 23-34, 2007
Exploring relationships among media use frequency, perceived media importance, and media satisfaction in political disaffection and efficacy
BE Pinkleton, EW Austin
Mass Communication & Society 5 (2), 141-163, 2002
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