Rachel Hershenberg, PhD, ABPP
Rachel Hershenberg, PhD, ABPP
Associate Professor, Emory University
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Negative social comparison on Facebook and depressive symptoms: Rumination as a mechanism.
BA Feinstein, R Hershenberg, V Bhatia, JA Latack, N Meuwly, J Davila
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 2 (3), 161, 2013
Frequency and quality of social networking among young adults: Associations with depressive symptoms, rumination, and corumination.
J Davila, R Hershenberg, BA Feinstein, K Gorman, V Bhatia, LR Starr
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 1 (2), 72, 2012
Diminished effort on a progressive ratio task in both unipolar and bipolar depression
R Hershenberg, TD Satterthwaite, A Daldal, N Katchmar, TM Moore, ...
Journal of affective disorders 196, 97-100, 2016
Romantic and sexual activities, parent-adolescent stress, and depressive symptoms among early adolescent girls
J Davila, CB Stroud, LR Starr, MR Miller, A Yoneda, R Hershenberg
Journal of adolescence 32 (4), 909-924, 2009
Bridging the gap between clinical research and clinical practice: Introduction to the special section.
BA Teachman, DAG Drabick, R Hershenberg, D Vivian, BE Wolfe, ...
Psychotherapy 49 (2), 97, 2012
Responses to Positive Affect in Daily Life: Positive Rumination and Dampening Moderate the Association Between Daily Events and Depressive Symptoms
YI Li, LR Starr, R Hershenberg
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 1-14, 2017
Cingulate dynamics track depression recovery with deep brain stimulation
S Alagapan, KS Choi, S Heisig, P Riva-Posse, A Crowell, V Tiruvadi, ...
Nature 622 (7981), 130-138, 2023
When Feelings Lack Precision: Low Positive and Negative Emotion Differentiation and Depressive Symptoms in Daily Life
LR Starr, R Hershenberg, YI Li, ZA Shaw
Clinical Psychological Science 5 (4), 613-631, 2017
Another venue for problematic interpersonal behavior: The effects of depressive and anxious symptoms on social networking experiences
BA Feinstein, V Bhatia, R Hershenberg, J Davila
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 31 (4), 356-382, 2012
The perils of murky emotions: Emotion differentiation moderates the prospective relationship between naturalistic stress exposure and adolescent depression.
LR Starr, R Hershenberg, ZA Shaw, YI Li, AC Santee
Emotion 20 (6), 927, 2020
An opportunity to bridge the gap between clinical research and clinical practice: Implications for clinical training.
R Hershenberg, DAG Drabick, D Vivian
Psychotherapy 49 (2), 123, 2012
Implications of RDoC for the research and practice of psychotherapy
R Hershenberg, MR Goldfried
Behavior therapy 46 (2), 156-165, 2015
Role of Atypical Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
R Hershenberg, DF Gros, O Brawman-Mintzer
CNS drugs 28 (6), 519-533, 2014
What I like about you: The association between adolescent attachment security and emotional behavior in a relationship promoting context
R Hershenberg, J Davila, A Yoneda, LR Starr, MR Miller, CB Stroud, ...
Journal of adolescence 34 (5), 1017-1024, 2011
Anhedonia in the daily lives of depressed Veterans: A pilot report on experiential avoidance as a moderator of emotional reactivity
R Hershenberg, S Mavandadi, E Wright, ME Thase
Journal of Affective Disorders 208, 414-417, 2017
Love hurts (in more ways than one): Specificity of psychological symptoms as predictors and consequences of romantic activity among early adolescent girls
LR Starr, J Davila, CB Stroud, PC Clara Li, A Yoneda, R Hershenberg, ...
Journal of clinical psychology 68 (4), 373-381, 2012
An evaluation of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: A systematic review and application of Tolin’s Criteria for empirically supported treatments
CL Boness, R Hershenberg, J Kaye, MA Mackintosh, DJ Grasso, A Noser, ...
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 27 (4), e12348, 2020
Concordance between clinician-rated and patient reported outcome measures of depressive symptoms in treatment resistant depression
R Hershenberg, WM McDonald, A Crowell, P Riva-Posse, WE Craighead, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 266, 22-29, 2020
Negative emotion differentiation through a developmental lens: Associations with parental factors and age in adolescence
LR Starr, ZA Shaw, YI Li, AC Santee, R Hershenberg
Personality and Individual Differences 152, 109597, 2020
Does amount and type of activity matter in behavioral activation? A preliminary investigation of the relationship between pleasant, functional, and social activities and outcome
R Hershenberg, D Paulson, DF Gros, R Acierno
Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy 43 (4), 396-411, 2015
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