Alexandra Jilkine
Alexandra Jilkine
Saint Mary's College
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Membrane tension maintains cell polarity by confining signals to the leading edge during neutrophil migration
AR Houk, A Jilkine, CO Mejean, R Boltyanskiy, ER Dufresne, ...
Cell 148 (1), 175-188, 2012
Wave-pinning and cell polarity from a bistable reaction-diffusion system
Y Mori, A Jilkine, L Edelstein-Keshet
Biophysical journal 94 (9), 3684-3697, 2008
A comparison of mathematical models for polarization of single eukaryotic cells in response to guided cues
A Jilkine, L Edelstein-Keshet
PLoS computational biology 7 (4), e1001121, 2011
Polarization and movement of keratocytes: a multiscale modelling approach
AFM Marée, A Jilkine, A Dawes, VA Grieneisen, L Edelstein-Keshet
Bulletin of mathematical biology 68, 1169-1211, 2006
Quantitative proteomic analysis using a MALDI quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer
TJ Griffin, SP Gygi, B Rist, R Aebersold, A Loboda, A Jilkine, W Ens, ...
Analytical chemistry 73 (5), 978-986, 2001
Mathematical model for spatial segregation of the Rho-family GTPases based on inhibitory crosstalk
A Jilkine, AFM Marée, L Edelstein-Keshet
Bulletin of mathematical biology 69, 1943-1978, 2007
Asymptotic and bifurcation analysis of wave-pinning in a reaction-diffusion model for cell polarization
Y Mori, A Jilkine, L Edelstein-Keshet
SIAM journal on applied mathematics 71 (4), 1401-1427, 2011
A density-dependent switch drives stochastic clustering and polarization of signaling molecules
A Jilkine, SB Angenent, LF Wu, SJ Altschuler
PLoS computational biology 7 (11), e1002271, 2011
Effect of Dedifferentiation on Time to Mutation Acquisition in Stem Cell-Driven Cancers
A Jilkine, RN Gutenkunst
PLOS Computational Biology 10 (3), e1003481, 0
On‐membrane digestion of β‐casein for determination of phosphorylation sites by matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization quadrupole/time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry
CH Lee, ME McComb, M Bromirski, A Jilkine, W Ens, KG Standing, ...
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 15 (3), 191-202, 2001
The role of cell location and spatial gradients in the evolutionary dynamics of colon and intestinal crypts
L Shahriyari, NL Komarova, A Jilkine
Biology Direct 11, 1-17, 2016
Pattern formation in a coupled membrane-bulk reaction-diffusion model for intracellular polarization and oscillations
F Paquin-Lefebvre, B Xu, KL DiPietro, AE Lindsay, A Jilkine
Journal of Theoretical Biology 497, 110242, 2020
Modeling the dynamics of Cdc42 oscillation in fission yeast
B Xu, A Jilkine
Biophysical journal 114 (3), 711-722, 2018
Control of cell fraction and population recovery during tissue regeneration in stem cell lineages
M Renardy, A Jilkine, L Shahriyari, CS Chou
Journal of theoretical biology 445, 33-50, 2018
Mathematical models of stem cell differentiation and dedifferentiation
A Jilkine
Current Stem Cell Reports 5, 66-72, 2019
A wave-pinning mechanism for eukaryotic cell polarization based on Rho GTPase dynamics
A Jilkine
University of British Columbia, 2009
Comparison of deterministic and stochastic regime in a model for Cdc42 oscillations in fission yeast
B Xu, HW Kang, A Jilkine
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 81, 1268-1302, 2019
Single cell directional sensing from just a few receptor binding events.
AJ Bernoff, A Jilkine, AN Hernández, AE Lindsay
Biophysical Journal, 2023
Distinguishing between multiple mathematical models of neural stem cell quiescence and activation during age-related neural stem cell decline in neurogenesis
S Dabelow, A LeHanka, A Jilkine
Mathematical Biosciences 346, 108807, 2022
Mathematical study of Rho GTPases in motile cells
A Jilkine
University of British Columbia, 2005
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