David Vera Candeas
David Vera Candeas
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Jaén
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A Honey Bee Foraging approach for optimal location of a biomass power plant
D Vera, J Carabias, F Jurado, N Ruiz-Reyes
Applied Energy 87 (7), 2119-2127, 2010
Optimal sizing and power schedule in PV household-prosumers for improving PV self-consumption and providing frequency containment reserve
M Gomez-Gonzalez, JC Hernandez, D Vera, F Jurado
Energy 191, 116554, 2020
Experimental and economic study of a gasification plant fuelled with olive industry wastes
D Vera, F Jurado, NK Margaritis, P Grammelis
Energy for Sustainable Development 23, 247-257, 2014
Study of a downdraft gasifier and gas engine fueled with olive oil industry wastes
D Vera, B De Mena, F Jurado, G Schories
Applied Thermal Engineering 51 (1-2), 119-129, 2013
Guidelines for the technical assessment of harmonic, flicker and unbalance emission limits for PV-distributed generation
JC Hernández, MJ Ortega, J De la Cruz, D Vera
Electric Power Systems Research 81 (7), 1247-1257, 2011
Comparison between externally fired gas turbine and gasifier-gas turbine system for the olive oil industry
D Vera, F Jurado, B De Mena, G Schories
Energy 36 (12), 6720-6730, 2011
Study of a downdraft gasifier and externally fired gas turbine for olive industry wastes
D Vera, F Jurado, J Carpio
Fuel Processing Technology 92 (10), 1970-1979, 2011
Biomass gasification coupled to an EFGT-ORC combined system to maximize the electrical energy generation: A case applied to the olive oil industry
D Vera, F Jurado, J Carpio, S Kamel
Energy 144, 41-53, 2018
Modelling of biomass gasifier and microturbine for the olive oil industry
D Vera, F Jurado, KD Panopoulos, P Grammelis
International Journal of Energy Research 36 (3), 355-367, 2012
Modeling and optimization of an ocean thermal energy conversion system for remote islands electrification
D Vera, A Baccioli, F Jurado, U Desideri
Renewable Energy 162, 1399-1414, 2020
Updraft gasifier and ORC system for high ash content biomass: A modelling and simulation study
B De Mena, D Vera, F Jurado, M Ortega
Fuel Processing Technology 156, 394-406, 2017
Tri-generation biomass system based on externally fired gas turbine, organic rankine cycle and absorption chiller
H Abd El-Sattar, S Kamel, D Vera, F Jurado
Journal of Cleaner Production 260, 121068, 2020
RETRACTED: Bioenergy potential from agriculture residues for energy generation in Egypt
S Kamel, H Abd El-Sattar, D Vera, F Jurado
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94, 28-37, 2018
A simple implementation of power mismatch STATCOM model into current injection Newton–Raphson power-flow method
S Kamel, F Jurado, D Vera
Electrical Engineering 96, 135-144, 2014
Modeling and simulation of corn stover gasifier and micro-turbine for power generation
H Abd El-Sattar, S Kamel, MA Tawfik, D Vera, F Jurado
Waste and Biomass Valorization 10, 3101-3114, 2019
Assessment of operational results of a downdraft biomass gasifier coupled with a gas engine
NK Margaritis, P Grammelis, D Vera, F Jurado
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 857-867, 2012
A distributed generation hybrid system for electric energy boosting fueled with olive industry wastes
D Vera, F Jurado, B de Mena, J C. Hernández
Energies 12 (3), 500, 2019
A decentralized P2P control scheme for trading accurate energy fragments in the power grid
DA López-García, JP Torreglosa, D Vera
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 110, 271-282, 2019
Bidirectional DC–DC converter with high gain based on impedance source
M Ortega, MV Ortega, F Jurado, J Carpio, D Vera
IET Power Electronics 12 (8), 2069-2078, 2019
Modeling of a Downdraft Gasifier Combined with Externally Fired Gas Turbine using rice straw for generating electricity in Egypt
H Abd El-Sattar, S Kamel, MA Tawfik, D Vera
2016 Eighteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON …, 2016
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