John N. Harris
John N. Harris
Assistant Professor of Management, Georgia Southern University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Politics in organizations
GR Ferris, GS Russ, PM Fandt
Impression management in the organization, 143-170, 2013
Developing a passion for work passion: Future directions on an emerging construct
PL Perrewé, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris, CP McAllister, JN Harris
Journal of organizational behavior 35 (1), 145-150, 2014
Got resources? A multi-sample constructive replication of perceived resource availability’s role in work passion–job outcomes relationships
CP McAllister, JN Harris, WA Hochwarter, PL Perrewé, GR Ferris
Journal of Business and Psychology 32, 147-164, 2017
The role of reputation in the organizational sciences: A multilevel review, construct assessment, and research directions
GR Ferris, JN Harris, ZA Russell, BP Ellen III, AD Martinez, FR Blass
Research in personnel and human resources management, 241-303, 2014
Political skill, trust, and efficacy in teams
E Lvina, LP Maher, JN Harris
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 24 (1), 95-105, 2017
Congruence effects of contingent reward leadership intended and experienced on team effectiveness: The mediating role of distributive justice climate
MZ Carter, KW Mossholder, JN Harris
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (3), 465-485, 2018
The roles of political skill and political will in job performance prediction: A moderated nonlinear perspective
JN Harris, LP Maher, GR Ferris
Handbook of Organizational Politics, 15-39, 2016
When caring leaders are constrained: The impact of LMX differentiation on leader empathic concern in predicting discretionary work behaviors
JJ Haynie, J Baur, JN Harris, SG Harris, KN Moates
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 26 (1), 5-17, 2019
Power, politics, and influence in organizations
JN Harris, ZA Russell, LP Maher, GR Ferris
Elsevier, 2015
The role of political skill in relationship development, work and social networks, and work effectiveness
JN Harris, GR Ferris, JK Summers, TP Munyon
Human Resource Management Theory and Research on New Employment …, 2016
To the top: A role-playing exercise highlighting leadership, influence tactics, decision making, conflict resolution and communication
IS Mercer, JN Harris, RG Swab
Journal of Organizational Behavior Education 14, 71-94, 2021
William Kent 1685-1748: A Poet on Paper:[exhibition, Soane Gallery, London, 30 October-19 December 1998]
J Harris
Soane Gallery, Sir John Soane's Museum, 1998
Role-playing as experiential learning: Using dungeons and dragons to teach management concepts
JN Harris, RG Swab, IS Mercer, DA Tomczyk
Developments in business simulation and experiential learning: Proceedings …, 2023
Inference of stochastic disease transmission models using particle-mcmc and a gradient based proposal
C Rosato, J Harris, J Panovska-Griffiths, S Maskell
2022 25th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 1-8, 2022
Leader political skill and work relationship favorability: An examination of mediating characteristics and follower outcomes
JN Harris
Florida State University, 2017
A Passion for Building: The Amateur Architect in England, 1650-1850: an Exhibition
J Harris, R Hradsky
Sir John Soane's Museum, 2007
Creation and succession: Storytelling to promote experiential learning in family business education
RG Swab, C Sherlock, IS Mercer, JN Harris
Management Teaching Review, 23792981231187989, 2023
“Going to Hell in a Handbasket?” Personnel Responses to Organizational Politics in Economically Challenged Environments
DA Lawong, GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter, JN Harris
Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management 39, 71-97, 2021
Extracting self-reported COVID-19 symptom tweets and Twitter movement mobility origin/destination matrices to inform disease models
C Rosato, RE Moore, M Carter, J Heap, J Harris, J Storopoli, S Maskell
Information 14 (3), 170, 2023
Escape: The curse of the temple—Using a cooperative adventure game to highlight leadership, decision-making, communication, and individual differences
IS Mercer, DA Tomczyk, RG Swab, JN Harris
Journal of Organizational Behavior Education 16, 191-214, 2023
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