Mario Scartozzi
Mario Scartozzi
Patvirtintas el. paštas
PTEN expression and KRAS mutations on primary tumors and metastases in the prediction of benefit from cetuximab plus irinotecan for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
F Loupakis, L Pollina, I Stasi, A Ruzzo, M Scartozzi, D Santini, G Masi, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 27 (16), 2622-2629, 2009
Arterial hypertension correlates with clinical outcome in colorectal cancer patients treated with first-line bevacizumab
M Scartozzi, E Galizia, S Chiorrini, R Giampieri, R Berardi, C Pierantoni, ...
Annals of oncology 20 (2), 227-230, 2009
Camrelizumab plus rivoceranib versus sorafenib as first-line therapy for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (CARES-310): a randomised, open-label, international phase 3 study
S Qin, SL Chan, S Gu, Y Bai, Z Ren, X Lin, Z Chen, W Jia, Y Jin, Y Guo, ...
The Lancet 402 (10408), 1133-1146, 2023
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) status in primary colorectal tumors does not correlate with EGFR expression in related metastatic sites: implications for treatment with …
M Scartozzi, I Bearzi, R Berardi, A Mandolesi, G Fabris, S Cascinu
Journal of clinical oncology 22 (23), 4772-4778, 2004
Cetuximab rechallenge in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: how to come away from acquired resistance?
D Santini, B Vincenzi, R Addeo, C Garufi, G Masi, M Scartozzi, A Mancuso, ...
Annals of Oncology 23 (9), 2313-2318, 2012
Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab versus active surveillance in patients with resected or ablated high-risk hepatocellular carcinoma (IMbrave050): a randomised, open-label …
S Qin, M Chen, AL Cheng, AO Kaseb, M Kudo, HC Lee, AC Yopp, J Zhou, ...
The Lancet 402 (10415), 1835-1847, 2023
Ten years of sorafenib in hepatocellular carcinoma: Are there any predictive and/or prognostic markers?
G Marisi, A Cucchetti, P Ulivi, M Canale, G Cabibbo, L Solaini, FG Foschi, ...
World journal of gastroenterology 24 (36), 4152, 2018
Cetuximab plus gemcitabine and cisplatin compared with gemcitabine and cisplatin alone in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: a randomised, multicentre, phase II trial
S Cascinu, R Berardi, R Labianca, S Siena, A Falcone, E Aitini, S Barni, ...
The lancet oncology 9 (1), 39-44, 2008
Nuclear factor-kB tumor expression predicts response and survival in irinotecan-refractory metastatic colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab-irinotecan therapy
M Scartozzi, I Bearzi, C Pierantoni, A Mandolesi, F Loupakis, A Zaniboni, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 25 (25), 3930-3935, 2007
VEGF and VEGFR genotyping in the prediction of clinical outcome for HCC patients receiving sorafenib: The ALICE‐1 study
M Scartozzi, L Faloppi, G Svegliati Baroni, C Loretelli, F Piscaglia, ...
International journal of cancer 135 (5), 1247-1256, 2014
Pathophysiology of cardiotoxicity induced by nonanthracycline chemotherapy
C Madeddu, M Deidda, A Piras, C Cadeddu, L Demurtas, M Puzzoni, ...
Journal of cardiovascular medicine 17, e12-e18, 2016
HER2 loss in HER2‐positive gastric or gastroesophageal cancer after trastuzumab therapy: implication for further clinical research
F Pietrantonio, M Caporale, F Morano, M Scartozzi, A Gloghini, F De Vita, ...
International journal of cancer 139 (12), 2859-2864, 2016
Pre-treatment lactate dehydrogenase levels as predictor of efficacy of first-line bevacizumab-based therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer patients
M Scartozzi, R Giampieri, E Maccaroni, M Del Prete, L Faloppi, ...
British journal of cancer 106 (5), 799-804, 2012
Molecular biology of sporadic gastric cancer: prognostic indicators and novel therapeutic approaches
M Scartozzi, E Galizia, F Freddari, R Berardi, R Cellerino, S Cascinu
Cancer treatment reviews 30 (5), 451-459, 2004
Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus trastuzumab, lapatinib or their combination: A meta …
C Solinas, M Ceppi, M Lambertini, M Scartozzi, L Buisseret, S Garaud, ...
Cancer treatment reviews 57, 8-15, 2017
Immunotherapy for colorectal cancer: where are we heading?
D Basile, SK Garattini, M Bonotto, E Ongaro, M Casagrande, M Cattaneo, ...
Expert opinion on biological therapy 17 (6), 709-721, 2017
The role of LDH serum levels in predicting global outcome in HCC patients treated with sorafenib: implications for clinical management
L Faloppi, M Scartozzi, M Bianconi, G Svegliati Baroni, P Toniutto, ...
BMC cancer 14, 1-8, 2014
Immune checkpoint inhibitors in the treatment of HCC
C Donisi, M Puzzoni, P Ziranu, E Lai, S Mariani, G Saba, V Impera, ...
Frontiers in oncology 10, 601240, 2021
High curative resection rate with weekly cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, epidoxorubicin, 6S-leucovorin, glutathione, and filgastrim in patients with locally advanced, unresectable …
S Cascinu, M Scartozzi, R Labianca, V Catalano, RR Silva, S Barni, ...
British journal of cancer 90 (8), 1521-1525, 2004
Immune inflammation indicators and implication for immune modulation strategies in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma patients receiving sorafenib
AC Gardini, E Scarpi, L Faloppi, M Scartozzi, N Silvestris, D Santini, ...
Oncotarget 7 (41), 67142, 2016
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