Sebastian Oberst
Sebastian Oberst
Professor (Associate), Centre for Audio, Acoustics and Vibration (CAAV), University of Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Statistical analysis of brake squeal noise
S Oberst, JCS Lai
Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (12), 2978-2994, 2011
Chaos in brake squeal noise
S Oberst, JCS Lai
Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (5), 955-975, 2011
Nonlinear transient and chaotic interactions in disc brake squeal
S Oberst, JCS Lai
Journal of Sound and Vibration 342, 272-289, 2015
Guidelines for numerical vibration and acoustic analysis of disc brake squeal using simple models of brake systems
S Oberst, JCS Lai, S Marburg
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (9), 2284-2299, 2013
Acoustic meta-atom with experimentally verified maximum Willis coupling
A Melnikov, YK Chiang, L Quan, S Oberst, A Alù, S Marburg, D Powell
Nature communications 10 (1), 3148, 2019
Deep learning for brake squeal: Brake noise detection, characterization and prediction
M Stender, M Tiedemann, D Spieler, D Schoepflin, N Hoffmann, S Oberst
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 149, 107181, 2021
Reconfigurable acoustic metagrating for high-efficiency anomalous reflection
YK Chiang, S Oberst, A Melnikov, L Quan, S Marburg, A Alù, DA Powell
Physical Review Applied 13 (6), 064067, 2020
Cryptic termites avoid predatory ants by eavesdropping on vibrational cues from their footsteps
S Oberst, G Bann, JCS Lai, TA Evans
Ecology Letters 20 (2), 212-221, 2017
Acoustic metamaterial capsule for reduction of stage machinery noise
A Melnikov, M Maeder, N Friedrich, Y Pozhanka, A Wollmann, M Scheffler, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147 (3), 1491-1503, 2020
Development of coupled FE/BE models to investigate the structural and acoustic responses of a submerged vessel
S Merz, S Oberst, PG Dylejko, NJ Kessissoglou, YK Tso, S Marburg
Journal of Computational Acoustics 15 (01), 23-47, 2007
On the potential of uncertainty analysis for prediction of brake squeal propensity
Z Zhang, S Oberst, JCS Lai
Journal of Sound and Vibration 377, 123-132, 2016
Termites utilise clay to build structural supports and so increase foraging resources
S Oberst, JCS Lai, TA Evans
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 20990, 2016
A statistical approach to estimate the Lyapunov spectrum in disc brake squeal
S Oberst, JCS Lai
Journal of Sound and Vibration 334, 120-135, 2015
An experimentally validated rubber shear spring model for vibrating flip-flow screens
S Gong, S Oberst, X Wang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 139, 106619, 2020
Impact of an irregular friction formulation on dynamics of a minimal model for brake squeal
M Stender, M Tiedemann, N Hoffmann, S Oberst
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 107, 439-451, 2018
Complex machine dynamics: systematic recurrence quantification analysis of disk brake vibration data
M Stender, S Oberst, M Tiedemann, N Hoffmann
Nonlinear Dynamics 97 (4), 2483-2497, 2019
Scalable metagrating for efficient ultrasonic focusing
YK Chiang, L Quan, Y Peng, S Sepehrirahnama, S Oberst, A Alù, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (6), 064014, 2021
Pad-mode-induced instantaneous mode instability for simple models of brake systems
S Oberst, JCS Lai
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 62, 490-505, 2015
Recovery of differential equations from impulse response time series data for model identification and feature extraction
M Stender, S Oberst, N Hoffmann
Vibration 2 (1), 25-46, 2019
A critical review of brake squeal and its treatment in practice
S Oberst, J Lai
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 2008 (9), 670-680, 2008
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